#transcendent game



(can you know?)

shot through with venom
bitter stems trimme

(did you see?)

willows weep light
rose tinted honey-

your roots”

A little info about this guy and the project he’s from!

His name is Leander! He’s one of the main antagonists of the visual novel we’re working on, called TRANS☆CENDENT (or trans*cendent for easier typing!)

trans*cendent is a queer, psychological horror magical boy visual novel! It’s heavily themed around transmasculinity and exploring one’s relationship with being masc! it’s a story of exploring your sense of self, breaking free from cages others put around you, loss and most of all love. All wrapped up in a queer, surreal/abstract psychological horror package!

(can you know?)

shot through with venom
bitter stems trimme

(did you see?)

willows weep light
rose tinted honey-

your roots”

(gently places my sexy villainous magical boy OC here) :]
