

Transexpression is similar to genderfluid, except instead of one’s gender changing, their gender expression changes while their gender stays static. The individual would feel they couldn’t accurately express themselves with the presentation traditionally assigned to their gender so they would switch it up! How one interprets certain clothing and whatnot is up to the individual.

See also: Androgyneflux

Term coined by: Unknown


[Image: Flag with 4 stripes: Pastel blue, lavender, white, pastel pink].

Full size [Here]

Flags below are the same as above but with an extra stripe and the colors switched around a bit to represent specific genders.

Transexpressive Nonbinary (Purple, blue, white, pink, purple): [Link]

Transexpressive Girl (Pink, purple, white, blue, pink): [Link]

Transexpressive Boy (Blue, purple, white, pink, blue): [Link]

Designed by: [Deactivated]

Color meanings: Unknown, likely similar to the trans pride design.


[Image: Flag with 13 different sized stripes: Small purple, small light purple, medium lavender, large light gray, small lavender, small light purple, small purple. The rest are reflecting of the first stripes].

Full size [Here]

Flags below are the same as above but with the colors switched around a bit to represent specific genders.

Transexpressive Nonbinary: [Link]

Transexpressive Girl: [Link]

Transexpressive Boy:[Link]

Designed by:1nklash

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
