#transiting mercury stations direct


Transiting Mercury stations direct

Timeline (current events in bold)

Tuesday, April 26, 06:47 UT - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 26:05 Taurus

Friday, April 29, 22:23 UT - Mercury enters Gemini

Tuesday, May 3 - Mercury enters “Storm”

Tuesday, May 10, 11:47 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 4:52 Gemini

Saturday, May 21, 19:18 UT - Mercury Rx conjunct Sun, 0:43 Gemini (Inferior Conjunction)

Monday, May 23, 01:15 UT - Mercury Rx back into Taurus

Friday, June 3, 08:00 UT - Mercury stations direct, 26:05 Taurus

Saturday, June 11 - Mercury leaves “Storm”

Monday, June 13, 15:27 UT - Mercury re-enters Gemini

Saturday, June 18, 22:46 UT - Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 4:52 Gemini

I’ve been hearing a lot of angst and drama, from astrologers, about this station. “Mercury’s on Algol! It’s square Saturn! Gloom, despair, and agony on me!”

(And yes, Ms M did throw a “Hee Haw” reference in there.)

And my thought is, “great - let’s all put it out there that this is going to be excruciating and painful, and then that’s exactly what will happen.”

First off, I tend to put “fixed stars” into the “tall dark stranger” school of astrology. It does us no favors to go spouting off about irreversible cursed fate - it’s always a bad fate, isn’t it - whatever happened to the “free will” part? You can believe in “fixed stars” or you can believe in free will.

And second - although Mercury is close to a exact square to Saturn, it never matures - that is, it never becomes exact. And I have read time and time again that if the aspect doesn’t mature, it doesn’t “count.”

Who knows. Maybe Mercury stationing on Algol, and with a close-but-no-cigar square to Saturn, means that the famous professional astrologers are going to try to milk this for all it’s worth. Communication (Mercury) about how dire and doomed everything is (Algol) and we can’t do anything about it (square Saturn) - JFC, why do people have to put that kind of a spin on things? How about we have faced some hard, unpleasant mental truths and in doing so have matured a bit? (Nothing there for the drama queens, I suppose.)

Anyway. Mercury is direct! Whether we’ve been pondering mighty thoughts, or just trying to find the car keys, we’ll now begin to see some forward action again. Very slow forward action, of course - one, this is Taurus, and Taurus is never in a hurry; two, Mercury doesn’t exit its “storm,” moving faster than 40 minutes/day, until June 11 (happy birthday to meeeee). We may want to move quickly, but it ain’t happening yet. Just a little more patience.

Mercury has been trine Pluto for several days, and will continue to be so, with this aspect maturing for the third and final time on June 10. Maybe there is a little more structure and organization to our thought processes. Maybe we’ve managed to combine Mercurial breadth with Plutonian depth, in some area or situation.

(Gee, none of the gloom/doom stargazers mention that. If our minds have this added practical depth, after all, we wouldn’t need gloom/doom astrologers to tell us what to think.)
