#trapped scenario


Part 1

I would love to see a part two of snow in ~ Anon

ask and you shall receive. Here you go!

After a long day an an even longer night of fucking, food, and relaxing the trio went to bed. As the snow pelted the roof and windows the three made jokes about the snow and letting fall forever, so they could remain tangled up in bed like this.
Lily was, unsurprisingly, the first one asleep. It seemed now a days it took quite an extravagant lascivious night to get her sound asleep. Taylor and Hunter were wide awake with Lily cuddled between them. They both exchanged glances smiling but also looks of exhaustion were definitely exchanged, always caught off guard by lily’s insatiable sexual desire. Then again they had been yearning for a little action since she had been pent up and unwilling to play for most of the last few months. Not that they didn’t have fun as a duo but Lily was the heart of the group. 

In the morning they were greeted without a sunrise. “Must still be pretty stormy,” Taylor muttered when Hunter’s movement shook the bed. He was always the first one up in the morning. Lilly burrowed among the blankets.
“It’s too cold” She muttered with a wine refusing to leave the bed and adding a pitiful moan at the end. Even though she no doubt needed to pee. She had gotten up a few times in the dead of night to do just that. 

Taylor rubbed the top of her head. “You’re ok snuggle bug.” They assured her, watching as hunter.

Hunter left to go to the main room, small beams of light streamed in kissing the ceiling. The room, as a whole, was much darker then it should have been. He looked around, definitely feeling the cold. Casting his vision to the roof, the large windows of the main room were blacked out but the curtains were open. Hunter approached and noticed it was… Snow. 

More than ten feet of snow outside, covering almost the entire house. The only light came from three small windows close to the rooftop. “What the hell?” Came hunters voice under his breath. 

“What?!“ Taylor called from the bedroom, hearing hunters quite curse. Taylor put her hand deeper into the cocoon. She could feel Lily shaking. “You really that cold sugar?” Taylor asked, lifting Lily’s head so she would look at her. Lily nodded with pain on her face “My back is killing me.” she whined holding the base of her stomach, this claim was not unique. Over the last six months her back usually plagued her. Taylor sympathetically rubbed their lover’s back. Not able to do much else. Lily let out a small hum of contentment. 

Hunter came back into the room. "It’s pitch black. It’s like snow is covering almost the entire house.”
Taylors eyes went wide “What?!” Hunter pulled back the bedroom curtains as proof. Fuck. This was not good. the window was completely covered in darkness, the snow was like a wall of Styrofoam outside the glass.
Lily sat up, snuggling to Taylor. “What do you-” She began to question before looking out the darkened window “… Shit?” She whispered. 

Hunter was looking around in a state of panic. “Where is the laptop?” 

Taylor nodded to the main room. “I left it on the table after uploading the video.”

 He quickly went out to get it. Then booted it up. “The storm last night must have been worse than we thought.” He mumbled in full analytical man mode.

Lily leaned on Taylor, They wrapped their arm around her keeping her close and rubbing her back. The three waited with bated breath as the computer booted up. With all the video and programs constantly running it was taking a while. 

“This is ridiculous!” Hunter spat feeling powerless with the lack of information. He pulled his phone off the side table. He was relieved to see it was at full charge. At least they had power… somewhere. 

Normally he left his phone on overnight, but with the flood of notifications he typically got when they uploaded a video he had turned it off last night. As soon as it turned on the notification poured in like crazy. Warning alerts, blizzard alerts, road closures, and hundreds of messages from viewers who had figured out their location and were wondering if they were ok. 

The others looked at him as his face became more and more pale.

“What?” Lily asked, the panic already in her soft voice. 

“It’s important that we don’t panic.” he calmly addressed them. Taylor held Lily close to them, knowing whatever Hunter was going to say next was not going to be good.

“I think,” He began pausing for a moment. “for the time being,” he took a calming breath “we are snowed in.”

Lily’s grip on Taylor’s shirt tightened. Taylor held her hand. “You mean we are trapped?” she asked, her voice shaking.

Hunter took in a calming breath but let out a sigh. “All signs are pointing towards yes, and I don’t dare open the door, it’s already cold enough in here.” 

Lily began to cry, shaking nervously. There was a painful pressure in her back and pelvis. Maybe they had gone a little too aggressive the night before. Now this news was adding to her already growing anxiety. Not to mention the Braxton hicks were just cruel on top of it all.  

These mood swings were not uncommon, so when Taylor pulled lily in to comfort her hunter climbed on the bed to rub her back as well. “It’s ok Lil. We’ll get out of this just fine.” 

Taylor knew they couldn’t just stay huddled like this. “Well, let’s at least turn the heater up. The gas lines should be underground so it should be ok.” Then she turned to lily “You wanna stay in bed snuggle bug. We could make you some tea.” Lily thought for a moment and shook her head. 

“No, I think it’s better if we just get moving. If I lay here I’ll just obsess over the pain. At least if I focus on something else it will pass.” 

Hunter was always amazed at his partners. Taylor always seemed to manage a level head, and Lily was so tough. “I’ll go start breakfast.” He offered not feeling like he was useful for much else. With a plan the three got out of bed. 

Lily went to find a soft dress to cover her naked form. She had mostly given up wearing pants, dresses were just easier. Taylor gave her hand even helping her get slippers on. “I’m going to check on Hunter, be right back.” Taylor promised as Lily waddled to the bathroom. She felt like she was almost always in the bathroom. But her gate seemed a little wider the last few days. 

Meh, it was probably nothing. She had an appointment on Monday as soon as they got back anyway. She began to stretch up, but then her hands snapped down to her stomach. 

Fuck! There it was again. That gripping pain. She held her stomach gripping the counter. That was so not cool. She took a few deep breaths, which was the one thing she could say had gotten back this last week. Which was fortunate since the mountain air seemed so much thinner. Once she was sure it was passed she finished her stretch. ‘Best not to worry the others.’ she told herself. These Braxton hicks would fade soon enough. 

After breakfast they had discovered they did indeed have access to the internet and more importantly the news. Warnings had gone out late last night that the storm had changed directions and caused heavy snow cover. People were encouraged to stay inside and contact the emergency services if they had an immediate need. Hunter and Taylor kept eyeing lily and her heavy pregnant form. 
“What?!” She asked annoyed with their stares. 
“We should let the emergency services know.” Taylor suggested worrying about Lily who scoffed through another Braxton hicks. She was not about to reveal this bout of pain when her partners were so paranoid. To them she just looked miffed. “I’m not due for three weeks!” She huffed, not bringing them any comfort.
Taylor gave an  exasperated sigh. Taylor looked to Hunter for back up. 

“It’s more like two weeks.” Hunter corrected “But lily has a point…” Hunter stated Taylor frowned a look of betrayal. 
“Don’t side with her.” Taylor reprimanded knowing how stubborn and clueless Lily could be.
 “Come on, the doctor would say we are just being hasty.” Hunter gave a bashful chuckle. “Let’s just take a step back. Maybe let our viewers know what’s going on.” The trio agreed that would be a good idea. 

After about an hour and a half of set up, Lily had only felt those phantom contractions maybe three more times, and… they were getting worse. It hadn’t been like this before. Usually if she rolled over or took a little walk around the practice contractions faded. These were almost becoming predictable too. As if she had a sixth sense she would excuse herself to the restroom just before one hit. She was afraid maybe her lovers would notice. But she was masking it well. All she had to do was smile and offer to help and they would shoo her away.

 At first they tried to set up in the living room but the tiny bit of sunlight was making it impossible to balance the shot so they chose to set up in the bedroom. There wasn’t a ton of room so they sat on the bed turning on the lights and setting up their own. They had the laptop on a TV tray and the Camera had a good position pointing at them. Normally they would record and then post but given the intensity of the situation they decided to do a live stream.

 Lily sat nervously cross legged on the bed, while hunter and Taylor flanked her on either side, their legs hanging off the bed. About 20 minutes before they went live Lily had posted on the blog and their social media that they would be going live with an update. 
“Hey poly pals.” Hunter greeted getting the stream started. “I know this is really unconventional, But we wanted to let you guys know what was going on.” 
Lily just focused on breathing, she was beginning to panic. She hadn’t felt the pangs since before she posted on the blog, so either they had stopped, or she was going to get hit with another really soon. 
“For those of you that saw the video posted early this morning, Yes we are in the mountains. Yes there was a storm, Yes we are snowed in.” Taylor explained. 
Lily wasn’t even listening any more, she knew she should chime in soon, but she didn’t know what to say. In fact it was getting difficult to even mask the pain at the point. It hit her like a wave, seeming to grow bigger and stronger as the seconds ticked on. She shut her eyes tight biting her lip and clutching her round contracting stomach in her lap. Praying her partners didn’t turn around and notice.

“We are all doing fine, we are-” Hunter paused, As the chat began to explode. Taylor and Hunter were trying to figure out what everyone was saying.
‘Lily you ok?’
‘Is lily in labor?’
‘Oh baby you ok?’   
‘Damn baby girl is having contractions.’
Hundreds of comments poured in like a wavy flying past.

Taylor was the first to notice lily’s posture in the camera’s gaze. They quickly whipped around blocking Lily from the audience’s view. “Hey, hey, breath.” Taylors hands gently fell on Lily’s shoulders. “Are you ok?” Taylors whispers couldn’t be heard by the audience, Which was a good thing because Lily’s whimper definitely would have given her away.
“They just hurt really bad this time.” lily shook her head, finally admitting she wasn’t ok. 

Hunter quickly shut the laptop, believing he had turned the stream off. He ran around the bed over to Lilys side. Lucky for the fans, the stream was still live, even though the computer was closed. “What hurts?” Hunter asked, his mic picking up the conversation 
“I thought they were braxton hick contractions.” Lily confesses breathing as she could through the most intense one yet. Hunter and Taylor looked at each other. 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Hunter asked gently, “You’re supposed to tell us when these things happen.”
Lily shook her head, the pain finally letting up.  “I’m sorry.” She breathed, “I didn’t want to worry you.” 
Taylor gave an exasperated sigh. “How long has this been going on?” They questioned. Lily didn’t even have to think about it.
“Since I woke up.” Her lovers both gave exasperated sighs. “I’m sorry, I thought they would go away.” She innocently defended herself. Hunter looked like he was about to scold her.
“They always went away,” She tried to defend herself feeling horrible and frightened. “But now.” she shook looking up at taylor “I think you You were right.” She admitted, her eyes starting to tear up.

“That doesn’t matter.” Taylor claimed wrapping her in a hug. “Let’s get you through this.” Taylor convinced her confidently by taking long deep breaths. They looked up at Hunter “Let’s see how well you studied. What do we do?” They asked while rubbing Lily’s back, getting her calm by having her breath with them. 
Damn it. They were all looking at him now, Hunter was so frightened he couldn’t even think straight. This was seriously the worst possible timing. He tried to recall what he had read but all he could see was Lilys sad scared pitiful face. He just imagined the pain she must have been going through. A rough hand shook him without warning.
“Wake up!” Taylor demanded he get his act together. “You’re going to freak her out. What should we do!” He tried to think back to what he knew about early labor. 
“Uh, how often have you been having these pains?” He asked. trying to buy some time so he could think.
Lily bit her bottom lip, a nervous habit she had when she was thinking. “Maybe twice an hour” She said meekly
“Have they been getting stronger or do they seem random?” He was trying to sus out if these were Braxton hick or real.
“They hurt more.” She confessed honestly. “Like that one just now I felt like I couldn’t hold it back.” Lily’s breathing got faster as the reality started to sink in and panic quickly followed. “Am I in labor?” She asked as her voice was shaking.
Taylors arms tightened around her “It’s ok, just breath with me, we are going to get through this.” Taylor reassured the laboring woman, rubbing her back, and reminding her how to take slow deep breaths. "Can we do anything to stop it? Or at least slow it down?” Taylor asked hunter who was frantically googling things.

“This might be the real deal.” He told them. The reality started to sink in and sober the trio. “Lets keep you comfortable.” Hunter offered putting his hand on Lily. Then changing his gaze to Taylor. “Can you get her in a bath? It might help as the contractions get stronger. Or better yet it could slow everything down. Buy us some time” Taylor nodded. “I’m going to make a few phone calls.” Hunter told them. 

Taylor rushed up. To start the bath. As they left the room, Hunter sat on the bed next to lily. “I know this is scary.” He sat with her, rubbing her back. “I am scared too, but we have to do this ok.” lily’s eyes were full of panic, as she held her face in her hands “This isn’t right! we are supposed to be in a hospital, I’m supposed to have time.” She cooed in distress. Hunter took the deep breath that Lily couldn’t “I know.” He said earnestly sympathizing. He gently stroked her hair away from her face.

“But if they want to come now, we have to stay calm and not let them know we are scared ok? For now, just lay down on your side. I’m going to call the doctor, we are going to get this figured out and, Everything is going to be ok. ”His words of truth gave lily a small bit of comfort. She laid on her side and cried for a little while, until Taylor came back to prepare her for a bath. Both her partners reminded her she was not alone.

The doctor let Hunter know that being her first they were in for a long haul. That yes a bath would work and confirmed they should call the local authorities. Their doctor assured them he would have a midwife on call for them and gave him a number to call. Resources were becoming available to them, but Hunter couldn’t help shake the feeling the trio was still alone.

As the tub water filled up, Taylor came over to the bed and rubbed Lily’s hair. The viewer still watching could hear tailor talking to lily. All they could hear from Lily was whines and whimpers. But Taylor was telling her. "It will be alright. You’re not alone. We are all going to get through this.“ Their viewership was growing like crazy as people watched the saga unfold. 
