#treasure this

treasure this
mysharona1987:iminyjo:codename-me:herewaskendra: sigh. i still have much to learn. @herewaskenmysharona1987:iminyjo:codename-me:herewaskendra: sigh. i still have much to learn. @herewaskenmysharona1987:iminyjo:codename-me:herewaskendra: sigh. i still have much to learn. @herewaskenmysharona1987:iminyjo:codename-me:herewaskendra: sigh. i still have much to learn. @herewaskenmysharona1987:iminyjo:codename-me:herewaskendra: sigh. i still have much to learn. @herewasken





sigh. i still have much to learn.

@herewaskendra me too, however I love prologues and I write them too. I notice Stephen King spend a few pages and then some more pages describing the other world or a specific scene I’m using King here b/c I just finish listening to Mr.Mercedes. I wouldn’t be hard on myself and you are an amazing writer- keep writing amazing words.

I’m guilty of overdescribing things. Flowery-language and excess exposition, are my Achilles heels. I admit it.

This actually is a very good, useful article for aspiring writers, though. 

actually decent writing advice, for once

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