#tree correspondence




✨Trees in Magic: Masterpost✨

Alder- balance between the emotions and actions, Water and Fire elements, Ostara, Mars and the Moon, amethyst, ravens & hawks, purple, Fae, Apollo, Aphrodite; used to help face what you’ve been avoiding lately

Ash- feminine in nature, Fire element, energy conductor; new growth, good wood to use for wands, staves & besom handles; one of the three sacred trees (Oak, Ash, & Hawhorn); (known as to be the World Tree or Yaggdrisal in Norse/Celtic)

Aspen- protection, overcoming fear, ascent, Air element, Persephone, Hades, ancestry, heritage, cleansing, healing, family and community, Mabon, the planet Mercury

Birch-  purification, protection, exorcism; represents renewal, Thor, rebirth and beginnings as it is the first tree after Winter to leaf; great in protection spells; (to ward off Evil Eye, tie a red string to branch)

Chestnut Tree- fertility, grounding and centering energy, healing, love, prosperity, abundance, attracting animals, relieving worry, transforming karma, Artemis, the planets Jupiter & the Sun, masculine

Fir- immortality, seeing situations clearly, planet Jupiter, Earth element, birth, used in blessing mothers and babies, shadow work, Artemis, Frigg, 

Hawthorn- masculine, Fire element, Fae/fairies, love, marriage, Beltane, health, fertility, chastity, protection and death; keep out unfriendly entities/spirits when placed around doors and windows, considered portal to fea realm (NOTE: tree is sacred to fairies, it is strongly recommended that one ask permission before taking the blooms or sprigs; leave an offering when cutting down a whole tree- offerings such as milk, honey, wine or cider poured into the ground, baked goods, crystals & gemstones)

Hazel- spirit contact, manifestation, protection, prosperity, wisdom, dreams, divination, dowsing, knowledge, marriage, inspiration, wrath, fertility, intelligence, reconciliation, poetic inspiration, anti-lightning charm; sacred to Fae; traditionally burned in Balefires during Beltane & Litha (it is also said that mistletoe that grows on Hazel protects you from being bewitched)

Hickory- childbirth support, land nourishment, protection from legal difficulties, transitions, 

Lemon Trees- longevity, the Moon, feminine, Water element, purification, refreshment, unity, uplifting, clarity, friendship, happiness, aura cleanse, rejuvenation, awareness, love, fidelity, lunar deities 

Maple- feminine, Water element, the Moon, the planet Jupiter, wisdom of balance, love, longevity, money, travel, spiritual healing, learning and decision-making (especially when bringing about or dealing with change), great horned owl, communication

Oak- money, success, strength, fertility, stability, health, healing, potency and good luck; known for attracting light; associated with the Sky Gods/Goddesses (especially White Oak) a holy tree; one of the three sacred trees (Oak, Ash & Thorn); (their acorns were carried in the pockets of Druids for good luck)

Olive Tree- masculine, prosperity, wisdom, abundance, peace, protection, console (a person), Athena, the Sun, Fire element, Mabon

Palm Tree- cleansing, feminine, transforming, transitions, divine, masculine, fertility, nourishment, peace, relaxation, victory,

Pine- rebirth, immortality, strength in adversity, overcoming hardships through optimism & inner strength; Pine cones are good for tips of wands or staffs; (use a pine branch like a broom to brush away negative energy from your home or from surfaces (like a altar))

Poplar- life cycles, Zeus, death and rebirth, Hades, the planet Jupiter, enhancing divination tools, love; good for all-purpose wands; leaves for altar decoration for Samhain, celebrations in honor of Hades, ancestral rites, funerals/any ceremony related to the underworld

Redwood(aka Sequoia)- Earth wisdom, protection, fire resistance, healing, abundance, Fire element, balance

Rowan- the Sun, tourmaline, protection, Imbolc, meditation, broadening perspectives, dowsing, divination, the Goddess Bridget

Spruce- ancient wisdom, Goddess energy, healing, protection, purification, spiritual refreshment, pure intentions

Willow-  divination, resonance, harmony, the Moon, moonstone, Water element, masculine, support, death, Hades, directing energy, ghosts/spirits, Hecate, Persephone, Lunar alignment, pain relief, personal empowerment, creativity, fertility, female rights of passage, inspiration, emotion, binding, love, protection, healing

 Witch Hazel- dowsing, the planet Saturn; can be burned to rid of negative emotions, hexes/curses, and general negative

Yew- associated with death and rebirth, witches, Yule, consecrated ground, divination, astral travel, the planets Jupiter & Saturn, the Goddess Hecate; good for runes, Ogham sticks, frames for scrying mirrors, talking boards (PLEASE NOTE: it should not be used for goblets or any dishes that will be eaten from!!! It will make you sick or even kill you)
