#trevor henderson cartoon cat



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“You are NOT in a ‘silly cartoon’ anymore !!! IT’S THE REAL DEAL NOW !!!!!”…

- Bianca Drew, to Cartoon Cat after yet another murder

…You would have thought it would have just been some statement… But apparently, for Cartoon Cat…

…It wasn’t exactly THAT evident.

I saw this in a headcanon on Pinterest. Saying how Cartoon Cat was killing people out of pure cartoon shenanigans. I mean, if HE was unkillable, shape-shifting and physics-bending and logic-breaking and never knew anything else, how could he relate to people… just… dying ? And whatever you can say, cartoons ARE violent. It was said in the headcanon that he 'didn’t understand why you guys wouldn’t play along [what he was doing to them]’… How would he know…?

…Well, in my AU Bianca did that job for him. And how to say that…

…He’s not EXACTLY taking this well.

That’s the major switch on his comportment and in their dynamic (as for my previous headcanons)…! Bianca just (almost unwillingly) granted him consciousness of life-&-death-cycle, reality degrees in cartoons, body limits relating to these degrees and -last but not least- -consciousness of his own actions.And now he’s gonna have to cope with this.

…Yeah. He’s f**ked.


(Oh, and it is way less 'serious’ of a thing, but that headcanon just gave a dumb little meme-y side idea, so I’m putting it with the rest since I’m at it. It -basically- resumes the whole principle of that headcanon in my AU. Here it comes. Enjoy, maybe.)

(Aaand there it was Thank you goodnight-)


Anyway, I hope you liked my updating for these two. Sorry if it was dark, I just hope you like that headcanon as much as I do…!

Alright, thank you everybody.

Good night !✧

(“~Rodina~” Cartoon on Pinterest for the original headcanon)
