#triangle strategy

Just a big pile of Roland doodles. I have many. um. thoughts about him. He started off so happy and Just a big pile of Roland doodles. I have many. um. thoughts about him. He started off so happy and Just a big pile of Roland doodles. I have many. um. thoughts about him. He started off so happy and Just a big pile of Roland doodles. I have many. um. thoughts about him. He started off so happy and

Just a big pile of Roland doodles. I have many. um. thoughts about him. He started off so happy and sure enough became a blonde prince with Problems!! :’)

I really do love the found family dynamics he has though. Poor lad is just going through it all the time so I wanted to draw some happier moments at least

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I’ve been playing Triangle Strategy and I LOVE it so much. Here’s a collection of various doodles feI’ve been playing Triangle Strategy and I LOVE it so much. Here’s a collection of various doodles feI’ve been playing Triangle Strategy and I LOVE it so much. Here’s a collection of various doodles feI’ve been playing Triangle Strategy and I LOVE it so much. Here’s a collection of various doodles fe

I’ve been playing Triangle Strategy and I LOVE it so much. Here’s a collection of various doodles featuring some of the cast. 

I love Frederica and Serenoa so much. And unsurprisingly, I love Corentin the ice mage guy. His cutscenes with Erador are amazing.

PLAY THE GAME!! It’s brought me so much joy (and pain) this last month.

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I’m good at video games, just trust me dude trust me I’m good at this I prommy

I feel like some of thess people who posted their runtime didn’t read all the dialogue or skimped on exploration and voting times. To play those fully can take a really long time.

So I’ve never posted anything on my Tumblr account before, this will be my first Tumblr post. I’ve decided to make a quick guide to how to change a certain morality vote in the demo. I first got this information from a “demo walkthrough” by IGN at https://www.ign.com/wikis/project-triangle-strategy/Demo_Walkthrough, but I decided to make a quick guide about it here on Tumblr since most of the walkthrough is about the combat, and I thought some players might want a quick-and-easy guide to “the big moral decision in the demo”. 

UPDATE: A Tumblr user named lumeha has given me information on how more people can be persuaded to change their votes. The guide’s under the Keep Reading.

Anyway, during the demo of Project Triangle Strategy, there’s a big “war council decision” on how you handle the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost’s request for Prince Roland: do you surrender Roland over to them so they’ll back off, or do you insist on protecting Roland even at the risk of invasion?

The thing is, when the war council begins, if nothing changes, the war council will end up voting to surrender Roland, because there are 4 votes in favor of surrendering him (Prince Roland himself, Benedict the steward, Geela the tutor, and Anna the spy), 2 votes in favor of protecting Roland (Frederica the betrothed of Serenoa and Hughette the Kingsguard), and one undecided (Erador the Armsmaster). Since you’re playing as Serenoa, you can cast a 3rd vote to protect Roland, but this will cause you to lose the vote 3 to 5, as the undecided Erador will ultimately decide to surrender Roland.

So for players who want to protect Roland, how do you change the war council’s vote? (If you do want to surrender Roland, you can do nothing, and that’s what the war council will vote for.)

The key is getting some of the others to change their mind.

You’ll need to get some key information to do it. When Serenoa the player character leaves the war council to seek council, go along the upper path from the main gate and talk to a guard, he’ll reveal that Wolffort has a “secret weapon”, which gives you a strategy against potential enemies.

Then, go to the market in the center of town and speak to a man who will reveal that there’s a bounty on the prince, but only alive.

Finally, go to the bottom-right of town and speak to an old man, who will remind you that Ser Maxwell specifically asked you to promise that you’d protect Roland; Maxwell’s sacrifice would be for nothing if anything bad happened to Roland.

Then, conclude the exploration and reconvene the war council, and talk to Erador the Armsmaster.

First, remind Erador that Ser Maxwell made you promise to protect Roland (so Maxwell’s sacrifice would be in vain if something bad happened to Roland).

Then, tell him that there may be a winning strategy even if Aesfrost invades (you know there’s a winning strategy because a guard told you about Wolffort’s “secret weapon”).

Finally, when Erador asks if you’re going to keep the people in mind, tell him that you will definitely protect them as it’s your responsibility.

This will change his mind and Erador will vote to protect Roland.

Thanks to info from the Tumblr user lumeha, there are ways to change the minds of some others:

Benedict’s mind can be changed if you bring up the “secret weapon”, as he’ll be surprised you even heard about it but will admit it’s a solution, though not a perfect one.

Geela’s mind can also be changed if you tell her about the secret weapon.

And finally, Prince Roland’s mind can be changed if you remind him that Ser Maxwell sacrificed himself for Roland’s safety; that sacrifice would be in vain if anything bad happened to Roland, so Roland should honor his master.

lumeha didn’t know how Anna’s mind can be changed.
