#trigger warning victim blaming


Dear people saying Lex is better than Lena

Look i dont give a crap what your opinoon is on if Lena is good or what ship is good or whatever but Lex is a literal abuser

He emotionally abused Lena since she was four years old. He kidnapped and tortured her by making her watch him do monsterous things. He made her rosk phsyical abuse by semding her to steal things from their violent drunk father. Hes an abuser just like lillian and Lionel.

Say lena is evil or whatever but please have some damn respect for abuse victims and dont go around saying Lex is a better person its insulting and disrespectful to people like me who had that type of familial emotional abuse.

Everyone saying Lex is better or supiror to Lena is just like every person that tried to put me down by saying my abuser was a better person and all that bull
