#truly the dream


Oh to be a pirate captain, the scourge of the Royal Navy, a plague upon the Seven Seas, wrapped in a silk robe and surrounded by boyfriends





Fanfic authors are amazing like they could be literally anyone. That one coffee au you read last night? Could have been written by morgan freeman who knows

Dude I am acutely aware of this whenever I see people writing at coffee shops and stuff

Story time: I used to sit at the library for hours to mooch the wifi and work on my fics. Almost every day, the same person would sit across from me. We both had our established spots and no one ever really took them. Couple months passed and I was working when I got an email from Ao3 saying a story I was following had updated. I proceeded to take a break to grin and giggle behind my hand throughout the story. I left a comment and went back to my writing. Not five minutes later, the person’s phone went off, and theystarted grinning and typing on their phone. Another few minutes go by… And my phone pings that the author has replied to my comment.

Long story short, we traded a few odd looks while we both typed on our phones, before we finally put the pieces together and realized we were talking to each other while sitting across from each other. Turns out we were mutual followers of each other and ended up talking for hours about our favourite fics.

Give me THIS as a coffee shop AU!
