#trve norwegian black metal


New Years Eve1988

Irene, Marcin, Pelle and unknown.


Pål M. Steenersen, Støvern and Jørn Stubberud [Necrobutcher] - 1987

Credits: Irene

“We should share some memories of Dead along the way, what are some of your good memories of him?”

Metallion: “Oh, there are quiet a few. I don’t particularly like to tell old stories because of the ambivalence in regard to the Dead myth but this is my last opportunity to spill some ol’ beans… One that I had forgotten for a long time was when we went to METALLICA/ KING DIAMOND in Gothenburg February 13, 1987. Everybody is watching the stage, and most folks think it’s pretty good… then Dead turns to me and points out the only black guy in the whole stadium, and this guy is really going wild, and he says, "That’s the coolest guy in here.” never mind KING DIAMOND or anyone else on the stage! Dead always had this keen eye for the odd, and I really appreciate that…“ - Morbid: Year of the Goat.

“I remember once, on the way home in the middle of the night, he had walked into a cemetery … he looked at all the graves and thought, "Hmm, imagine if the graves had these huge eject buttons and, when you press them, the corpses would come flying out.” He would think about things like that.“ - Nils Gullbrandsson, about Dead in, ‘Blood, Fire, Death.’

??, Ragnar “Raggen” Westin" Equinox and Øystein. [1987]

Credits: Irene

UPDATE: First guy is not Pelle. According to Irene he wasn’t in the band at the time.

Øystein with his best friend for years. [1987]

Credits: Irene

L.E.G.O was a side project of Euronymous and Manheim from Mayhem. [86/87]

Langhus children school.

Credits: Irene

Pelle with Marcin, a visit from Poland. Øystein did not like him, would not leave so he put acid in his shoes.

Credits: Irene Andresen

Pelle taken by Irene.

She would tease Pelle and say, “You are so sweet Pelle” to which he would say, “No. I am evil.”

1. Morbid tape - “December moon”

2. “Ohlin Metal” tape.

Ohlin Metal was the first “band” of Pelle before Morbid and Mayhem.

The owner bought it from one of his friend, which he got it from Daniel Ohlin.

According to the owner, on the tape there is Pelle talking in his room when he was young with a friend and also alone.

Talking about starting his band, screams, joking about foods and monsters, talks about breakfast and a war between humans and vampires.

He also says “De mysteriis Dom Satanas” and “Tjena alla monsterdiggare”

Credits to M.E. Idegran.

Letter and some drawings from Pelle to Stefano Longhi (Obscure Plasma, Thanatography, Grind Zone)

Letter from Dead to Old Nick talking about Deathlike silence productions logo he made and sent with the letter.
