#try to focus


Try to Focus

Summary: Y/N gets distracted by her new professor.

Characters: Professor!Dean x Student!Reader

Warnings: Angst, Fluff




WC: 556

A/N: Couldn’t find a gif that really fit, so went with the above. Do love me a ‘nerdy’ Dean.

Y/N settled into her seat in the small lecture hall. Being a new college student was hard enough. Starting more than a decade after people usually did was even harder. She hated that she stood out like a sore thumb, but she was determined.

A man closer to her age entered the room, the students quieting down as he settled at the desk at the front. She quickly realized he must be the professor. Then she wondered how in the hell she was supposed to focus in this class.

Mr. Winchester was gorgeous. He had the looks of an actor or model. But he was stood before the class, dressed in slacks and a sweater, his tie tucked beneath. She suddenly understood where all the teacher fantasies came from.

Her mind drifted to the most sinful thoughts. Perched on his desk, pulling him closer by his tie, begging for extra credit.

Suddenly people were shuffling about and she realized class must have ended. That certainly wasn’t going to bode well if she couldn’t focus on her class at all.

Packing up her bag, she made her way to the door.

“Y/N, can you stay for a minute please?”

She paused in her steps, her eyes closing and cursing under her breath. Plastering on a smile, she turned around, seeing they were now alone in the room.

“Yes, Mr. Winchester?”

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. His plump, lucious-

“-try to focus more when in class.”

Damnit. She’s done it again. Stupefied, she nodded, promising to be more prepared next time. As soon as he was satisfied, she rushed from the room, eager to get home.

Y/N just finished making dinner when she heard the front door open and close. A few footsteps later and her husband stood in the kitchen, smiling warmly.

“Smells great,” he grinned, coming around the counter to kiss her sweetly, “How was your first day of school?” He smirked, helping her to set the table.

“Great,” she grinned, “Except I totally got caught ogling one of my teachers and he pulled me over after class and told me to focus more,” she added a little quieter.

“You really should focus,” he chuckled.

“Can’t help it, Dean,” she whined, playing with his tie, “You’re hotter than I realized up there. All those other girls probably ogling you too. They’re all young and I’m the older, odd one out,” she pouted, “Makes me wanna claim you on the desk so they know who you belong to.”

Dean growled, kissing her deeply, biting at her lips and sucking at her tongue.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” he said, helping her into her seat as they settled in for dinner, “You’re the only woman I ever want.”

“It is weird being so much older,” she sighed as they dug in, “And it just seems so much harder. Maybe that’s cause I’ve been out of school for a while.”

“Nah, you got this. It’ll take a minute to adjust, but I have faith in you. No one ever said life-changing decisions would be easy,” he added with a smirk.

Y/N was grateful Dean was so supportive and encouraging. It didn’t hurt that he now held the title of ’Hottest Teacher’ she’d ever had. But maybe she was biased.













Dean Winchester:









