#tryin to raise a little money for my car


My car died a painful death and I need to raise money for a new one! What does that mean for you? Cheap readings and healing sessions. I don’t expect hand-outs by any means. While thoughtful, not necessary. :) 

I plan on doing very cheap readings of various styles and healing sessions for a while until I raise a little money. All details below.

The quick version of the story is I was driving out of town and to spend a weekend away by myself. The engine died (likely outcome of the engine froze), my dad let me borrow his vehicle, I continued my way out of town. Both my dad and brother are lending me money for a cheap car so I can avoid a loan through a bank. The vehicle is purchased, and I’m currently driving it thanks to them. This little money raising is so I can pay them back more quickly than expected and give them a little interest back. Below is a list of services I’m providing. If there’s something you’re looking for, I may or may not be able to help you out (tarot has never been my strong suit, sorry. Ogham, lenormand, and oracle are much more my game).

  • 10 yes or no pendulum questions for $5, any additional question  is $1/question
  • 1 past life question for $10
  • 20-minute distance Reiki session for $10
  • 3 oracle card questions for $6
  • 20-minute Past Life Reiki session for $15
  • chakra balancing session for $10

I’ve been a Reiki Master since 2004-2005, and doing readings in a professional setting for about 5 years though I’ve been reading since about 1998.

I may add more services later. Please send me a message if you’re interested, and I’ll send you my paypal email address. I would appreciate sending it via friends/family. 

If you have any questions, looking for a different type of reading or healing session, etc. Please let me know! :)
