#ts3 text post


Josie Plays TS3…again!

I have fallen back in love with TS3 after years of not playing it and I forgot how fun it can be! But there’s no getting around it- the Sims are super ugly out of the box and while the worlds themselves are all gorgeous, the TS3 lighting is not. TS4 has spoiled me in that I want pretty Sims and pretty lighting so this is a mini list of what I’ve done in order to get that TS4 “pretty”  while enjoying TS3 gameplay, under the cut!

G-Shade- I installed G-Shade for Sims 3 ( here’s how) and I discovered that theEleonora preset for ReShade works beautifully in TS3 too. I also have a private preset gifted to me by a friend which also looks amazing ( thanks Chrissy lol!) Other than that, I recommend the presets byerasabledinosaur.

Lighting Mod-I highly recommend the Frozen Lighting Mod by Burnt Waffles,it is really beautiful and bright and gives the most amazing skies and sunsets.

Skin and Sliders- these are a MUST if you want your TS3 Sims to look good, in my opinion. I found a master list of sliders in this post and I recommend at least getting sliders for the jaw and chin because this is where TS3 Sims really need help lol Genetics and skins are really a matter of preference but I like my TS3 Sims to look a little more realistic and not as cartoony, so I use the skins by this creator  and I especially recommend the Cappuccino skin by them.

Nose Masks- I think nose masks are definitely needed as well and I usethese by Burnt Waffles.

Hair- All of the hairs I am currently using are from here, there are male and female hairs and the conversion quality is perfect!

The rest of the CAS content I found using Emily’s CC Finds, under her Sims 3 tags, where it’s broken up by category and makes it really easy to find content to beautify my Sims!

Hope this helps anyone wanting to go down memory lane with TS3 and I’m also tagging @haziesims  who wanted some of this info too! 

Have fun Simming!
