#ts4 cc tutorial


Save Free Camera Mode Position

Did you guys know you can save the position of your camera in Free Camera Mode (tab)???

When you’ve positioned the camera how you want it, you hit [ctrl] + [5, 6, 7, 8, or 9] to save the position. Then, you just hit [5, 6, 7, 8, or 9] to recall your position! I never knew this (did I miss a tutorial??) until I came across this article.

Also, it works with the Free Camera Mode that comes with Twisted Mexi’s Better BuildBuy mod.

helloooo :)

today i have another speed creation video for ya of some acrylic chain earrings coming out tomorrow ! i hope you enjoy it!

also i have a super fun video planned for next week where i do something i haven’t done in months… talk. lmao so look out for that soon !!! :):):)
