

Recent trip to costco for treats and snacks ❤

My car is in desperate need of repairs and I’m struggling. If you’ve ever thought of buying videos from me, DM me and I’ll work out a special price. ❤

More amazingly fat pics of me ❤

I’ve been thinking about before I start doing more proper selling that I might need to change my screen name again to help with searchs finding me. I love NyanFat but when looking it up you get results for NyanCat.

Do people think it would be silly to go back to TubbyToni? I’m not sure if I like that name any way. I’m not sure what to do.

I’m still sore from all the being sick the last couple of days from this stupid stomach bug.

Worst part is I finally feel like eating again but I’ve got nothing really to eat. Help me please. ❤

I’m going to really need to work out a bigger car sooner rather than later.

I feel like a blimp in the best way.
