#tui sutherland


Confession: Even though I read and enjoyed Dragonslayer, I just can’t see myself ever fully getting back into Wings of Fire. I haven’t touched the third series since the first book, and don’t see that changing. No matter what, I can’t get past how Winter’s character was treated in the second arc. And I haven’t heard anything about him getting any sort of apology in the third arc, so yeah.

Like, he dared to get angry at Moon for wanting to keep being friends with the dragon who was committing actual genocide against his entire species, and had already killed his aunt. And HE was treated like a jerk for yelling at her! That scene when Kinkajou tells him that he can’t be trusted with the knowledge of what happened to Darkstalker and tells him to apologize to Moon for being awful and Winter says that it’s “his own fault” that Moon chose Qibli over him just ARGHHHHHH!!!!!! My blood still boils thinking about it.

Look. If I was in Winter’s place, and someone I had trusted as a friend learned that someone they were close to was committing murder against my family, and they were still all “Well, I want to keep being this person’s friend,” I would punch that person in the throat!

So, yeah. I needed to get that rant out. It’s a shame, because I really enjoyed WOF, and there is and was a lot of potential, but I don’t think I can trust Tui’s handling of characters after something so blatantly awful.
