#tumblr commentary




there’s no such thing as shipping real people “respectfully”
there’s no such thing as writing rpf “respectfully”
there’s no respectful way to do something that is inherently disrespectful, objectifying, and wrong.

TLDR: Fictional characters exist for a reason. Sexualise those. They don’t exist. You can write anything you want about fictional characters because they don’t exist.

A real person however DOES.



Gonna say it

If you honest to god need every single person who is critical of your fave to not just do the common courtesy of not posting in their tag (understandable! Encouraged! Don’t post hate in main character tags!), but to then go on to not even spell out the character’s name, just because you are too lazy/ignorant to work out the basic search function of the site you’re on? If people’s completely untagged posts that would literally only pop upifyou are the one incorrectly using the site’s search feature (and/or are deliberately going out of your way to find blogs that tend to criticize your fave) make you upset? If people going out of their way to make an entire tag dedicated to blacklisting itisitself grounds for mockery?

Then I’m sorry. You’re self-entitled. There are multiple ways to get around seeing Edelgard hate/criticism and we who often post these things tend to make it even easier to avoid; you not being fucked to learn or do anything to curate your experiences is on you.

And also, it’s fuckin’ rich hearing about how oh so mean we are for daring to have a critical tag for Edelgard, and for affronting these people’s honor by spelling out her name sometimes, meanwhile you know a good chunk of these same peoplehavezero issues with the fandom’s treatment of Rhea. Hate in the main character tags? Check! Having actually racist, sexist, and ableist takes made about her be so widespread as to be pretty much seen as canon at this point (and which are also put in her main tags)? Check! Hell, sometimes they’ll be the ones doing it!

I’m just fuckin’ stunned that people will just say this shit as though it isn’t the most entitled shit on earth. No, save for very few circumstances (like outright hate from my sis lmao), I’m not gonna not spell out Edelgard’s name. The fact that people want me and everyone else critical of her to do so for theirbenefit when they would never be fucked to even do the same for Rhea is absurd. The fact that a good fewwhoare critical of Edelgard feel the need to in order to avoid discourse - or worse, that they have encountered discourse because, again, they just spelled out her name when criticizing her - is a sad testimony to the absolute state of this fandom


I get it, Tumblr search can be wonky sometimes. Unfortunately we don’t run the site. Here’s the healthy response to seeing something that upsets you in your fave’s tag:

1) Is this tagged? If tagged with something specific (e.g. [character]-critical), blacklist tag. If it’s in the general tag (e.g. [character] tag), block user. If you feel up to it, maybe politely drop a comment asking them not to tag hate with the main character tag and instead use another tag/don’t tag instead. Some people just genuinely don’t understand site etiquette and will happily change if you point it out to them

2) Is this not tagged? Block user

Congratulations, now you never need to see that person’s takes in your fave’s tags ever again
