#tumblr teachings


and it has been 10 years of Tumblring. 

You see, I probably would not have realized this until I decided to take a look at my Twitter feed and a colleague (who, funny story, we knew each other by Twitter names but did not meet each other until I attended a Google Summit and met her there) decided to reach out to other blogging teachers for a Professional Learning Network opportunity.

Plus, she tagged me in the post so I could not avoid such opportunity!

I decided to take a look back at Tumblr and was curious.

When did I start this Tumblr account?

THAT is when I realized it has been 10yrs since I started Tumblr and 10yrs I started this crazy journey in teaching. Whoa! Man, I am old…

Reading back at my first post I am glad that I took a chance. I mean, if you read it, my last line of this very first, very short, post was: “All because I want to be a teacher.”

And here I am…teaching. Officially. Like, I am legit in a classroom working with teenagers, specifically 9th graders. Every year I have the option of changing grade levels (and I have taught or worked with 6th-12th grade students), but I choose to stick with 9th graders. 9th graders. 

For how long will I teach 9th graders?

Only time will tell.

I think I have a great gig! I put time and energy into everything I do and I have grown as a teacher since my last few blogs. I have been so busy that I could not keep up with my posts throughout the social media accounts. As a result, I lost a few followers. I get it. 

But c’mon, by the time I get home, I eat whatever I can throw in the microwave (I am going to work on getting my health on) and binge on HGTV and Food Network (the cable bill is ridiculous and I should be abandoning that ship soon) before making a zombie walk to my bed to repeat the process the next day.

There is no credential program that can ever prepare you for time management, personal care, and balancing life with the classroom. But, I am here. I am glad to be here. I am a teacher. I am a badass. And I am relying on one of these students to be rich and famous enough to write me a check that will support me during retirement to thank me. You know why?

Because I was the teacher that taught them something. 

Because I was their teacher. 

Because I am a teacher.
