

So it seems our time together is soon to be over. If anyone knows where everyone else is going, please let me know.

I’m truly broken hearted that I will be losing this connection to all of my brothers and the MEN i have met because of this platform. I suppose that just like a life of service, this tumblr ride has a beginning, a middle and an end.

If there is a place you guys think i should restart, let me know.

Please do not forget to stay proud of who u are and what u are built to do.

They can push us off their platforms. They can try to separate us from each other. They can try to stop our communication, but lust and worship will live on as long as humans exist.

I’m so sorry that our society is fucking terrified of sexuality and what the body can do.

Fucking rail against it. Be the whore you want to see in the world.

Most importantly, remember that u have brothers and MEN out there who love you for exactly who you are.

Now. How do i keep from having serviceorientedsub disappear forever?

see the MEN i worship: http://serviceorientedsub.tumblr.com/ while you can.
