

On the occasion of his 10th tumblr birthday Algy has decided to support tumblr by paying the new subscription to go ad-free - even though he doesn’t care whether he sees advertisements or not…

And he hopes that many of his friends will do the same, simply as a way of giving something back to tumblr and helping this amazing platform and community to keep going:


Algy has just celebrated 10 years of his adventures on Tumblr.
That’s 10 years in which a strange fluffy bird based in a very remote and isolated area on the west coast of the Scottish Highlands has been able to share his adventures with people all around the world. Tumblr has enabled Algy and his assistant to make many, many new friends, and they have enjoyed the creativity and companionship of countless other tumblr uses FREE - gratis, and for nothing. The interaction with other creative tumblr users of all ages, genders, naitionalities and faiths has provided them with inspiration, support, comfort and joy.

And for a long time Algy and his assistant have felt that getting all of this for free was not quite right, because it costs tumblr a lot of money to keep going, and it’s well known that tumblr struggles financially.

Tumblr has made several attempts at generating money in recent years, but the very special nature of tumblr’s users meant that these have not been successful.

Where else but tumblr could you offer people the opportunity to make money out of sharing their posts, for example, and find that the creative contributors to the platform were simply not interested and - despite the fact that it might take them many hours of work (or even days!) to create just one post - they just wanted to share for free. Crazy folk

And the tumblr folk who mainly wanted to look at other people’s posts, or participate in a community, didn’t want to pay for that privilege either. Of course they didn’t! That was never the tumblr way… Many tumblr users have no interest in money - or indeed, have no money

But now, at last, tumblr has offered a method for its users to help tumblr pay their way without engaging in monetizing their own work which - in the case of Algy’s adventures - they have been sharing for so long for free, and without paying to see other people’s posts.

So Algy and his assistant have gone for it, to pay something back to tumblr at last and to help keep it going. Crazy folk


And Algy hopes that there will be many other crazy folk out there who will be willing to help fund this weird and wonderful platform. Compared with all the other costs in everday life, it’s very little indeed to pay to ensure that tumblr can survive and continue to enhance all our lives.

lovefromalgy:capiolumen:Happy Fifth Birthday Algeron:It has been a real pleasure viewing your advent



Happy Fifth Birthday Algeron:

It has been a real pleasure viewing your adventures over the last five years. Here is to five more years

Back in March 2017. Algy’s artist friend Michael @capiolumen​ in sunny south California posted this gorgeous original art work on the occasion of Algy’s 5th tumblr birthday - with the caption “Here is to five more years”…

And now it is March 2022 and it really has been five more years! And, despite absences of several months from time to time, Algy is still here, and continuing his adventures on tumblr. And he is truly delighted to find that so many of his old friends - including @capiolumen​ - are still here too. This is wonderful indeed

Rumours about the possible demise of tumblr have been rumbling around for years now, but the tumblrverse is like no other place in this world (real or virtual) and Algy hopes very much that it will survive and flourish and continue to bring joy and companionship and hope and motivation and comfort - not to mention insights into other lives, cultures and countries - to many, many people around the world who would otherwise never have “met”.

So Algy sends his fluffiest thanks to all the kind friends who have welcomed him back and sent him kind greetings and lovely images on the very special occasion of his 10th Tumblr birthday, and he says…

Here’s to five more years❣️

Thank you all - and Thank you tumblr!

Algy sends you all lots of his very fluffiest hugs xoxo

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