


My secret santa gift for @tundrainafrica in the @animangasecretsantaevent!

I hope you like it!


Title:Seven Moments to Speak


“Seven Memories. Seven Moments.

He counted seven memories tucked away into the recesses of his mind, seven moments he should have taken the risk and just spoken up.”

Hinata is asked to speak in Kageyama’s wedding and he finds himself reflecting on their relationship.


Written for the @animangasecretsanta 2021 Christmas event

Merry Christmas @bbyspiiice and I hope you had a good one!

I really enjoyed being your secret santa and I hope this fic does justice to all the messages I have anonymously sent you on tumblr. This fic reignited my interest in Haikyuu so I really enjoyed writing this and I do hope you enjoy reading.

Also, special thanks to @someonestolemyshoes for crosschecking Haikyuu facts with me. (A rewatch of Haikyuu is very much long overdue.)

 Day 3: Make your own artistic interpretation of your favorite song lyric right now!  - Tell Me by D

Day 3: Make your own artistic interpretation of your favorite song lyric right now!  - Tell Me by Darude

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