#tv btvs

whatisyourchildhoodtrauma: Me getting older and reacting to the world around me


Me getting older and reacting to the world around me

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Redrew this quote I illustrated a few years ago & I’m super excited about how much I’ve grown



The Scoobies at their finest…

this loops flawlessly

#amazing    #tv btvs    
A Vampire Slayer that seems to be Immortal. Now, that would be a great plot to a new Vampire Slayer A Vampire Slayer that seems to be Immortal. Now, that would be a great plot to a new Vampire Slayer

A Vampire Slayer that seems to be Immortal. Now, that would be a great plot to a new Vampire Slayer series :) I need to know Ms. Bianca’s skincare regime, because at the age of 42 she can still ‘convincingly’ play a teenager. And it has me shookth. That bottom picture was taken like 6 months ago, OMG!

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How the hell is Bianca Lawson aging backwards? Seriously, she looks younger now than she did nearly 25 years ago, when she was playing Kendra. She is drop dead gorgeous., They should have allowed her to live on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, because she is the only one from that series’ cast who looks like they have not aged. So, she could have had a spin-off series and still be working it.
