#tw abuse ment


Not to get into like. My actual trauma stuff but like… as someone who was sexually assaulted by an ex + was frequently sexually harrassed IN PUBLIC by them and never had anyone speak up for me despite being a fucking teenager. I deeply hate the atmosphere around right now when it comes to the d/pp and he/rd trial. My oldest friend, someone i consider a sister, is on his side and was cheering abt that stuff a bit ago and im ngl it makes me feel a bit sick. Bc she doesnt know i was abused. And now she absolutely never will. Because despite the fact i largely am able to work through that stuff these days, it still affects me in every aspect of my life. No it never went to trial, despite the fact I wish it had. I was too scared then and FINALLY when i was starting to feel comfortable talking abt it, this shit happens and puts me back at square one. Im… at least mildly comforted that i know im not alone. So others who have gone through this: i see you, i hear you, we’ll be okay

(Ok to rb, dont ask me for details)
