#tw blindfolded


Continued from here

CW: Sensory deprivation, blindfolded, gagged, noise canceling headphones, restraints

Angel whimpered quietly as they felt footsteps echoing in the floor. There was a pause as the person… got onto their level..? That didn’t seem like Calder. Calder hadn’t ever gotten onto Angel’s level.

Angel’s stomach turned with uncertainty now. If this person wasn’t Calder, who were they?

The headphones were lifted from Angel’s head and Angel flinched as an unfamiliar voice assaulted their over-sensitive ears.

“Hey— Hey, you’re going to be okay.”

Angel let out a scared whine as their blindfold was removed. They squeezed their eyes shut before it left their face. They couldn’t look. They wouldn’t look. Not again.

Not again

“Can you open your eyes?”

Angel gasped and pulled back as a hand pressed against their cheek. The hand stayed.

“Come on now. It’s alright. Open your eyes.”

Angel shook their head weakly, their stomach twisting into knots.

There was a moment of silence before the person caved. “Okay. Keep them closed if you prefer. That’s fine.” And then their gag was removed.

Angel opened and closed their mouth a couple of times, trying to rid themself of the sensation of the metal bit. They sucked in a sharp breath as they felt hands on their wrist.

Angel made an odd sound— the result of spending months gagged without the practice of speech— then managed to form a halting semblance of a sentence. “Wha-what are… you do… doing..? Do-don't—”

“I’m freeing your arms. Just relax. I won’t hurt you.”

“N… no— Don't—” Memories of how to form words were flooding back rapidly now. “Don't— Ca-Calder will kill you—”

“No one’s going to kill me, although I appreciate the concern. Relax. I’ll have you free in a moment. Do you want to open your eyes?”

“No!” Angel answered hastily. “No— I… I can’t do that again…” Their voice faded off, horrible memories rushing back.

“Can’t do what again, angel?”

Angel’s heart stopped in their chest. “How…” They breathed. “How do you know my name..?”

“… Angel..? That’s your name..?” Despite the confusion lacing the person’s tone, their hands did not falter with the cuff and, soon, Angel’s left hand was free. “I didn’t know. Just a lucky guess I suppose.”

“You… you have to leave me here.” Angel begged, letting their free hand fall to the ground as the person moved to their right hand.

“I will not leave you here. Why won’t you open your eyes, dearest?”

Angel hesitated. “I… I don’t want to bond with you…” They whispered, their heart starting to race. That was one of the things that had infuriated Calder the most. The knowledge that Angel would never bond with them if they could help it.

Bond with me? What does that mean?”

Angel’s right hand suddenly came free. They still sat on their knees, however. “I… you don’t know..? That’s… that’s not why..?”

“Dearest, I’m simply trying to get you out of a bad situation. If you do not wish to open your eyes, I’ll not try to convince you— although I am curious what you mean.” A hand caught under Angel’s elbow. “Stand with me?”

“No… Please, no…” Angel didn’t dare move a fraction from where they sat. “Please— Please, Calder…”

“Calder isn’t here right now. They’ll not be back for at least a couple days. Let me help you, Angel.”

Angel swallowed nervously, but the hand on their arm was insistent. Angel stood slowly, stumbling with their eyes closed, and they were suddenly caught against a warm body. They whimpered, but, the person simply pulled them in, telling Angel to use them for support.

Angel carefully got their feet under them, leaning reluctantly on the stranger. “Why are you doing this..?”

“Because you need help.”

“But… but if Calder finds out…”

“Hey.” The person took a firm, yet gentle, hold on Angel. “Stop worrying about Calder. They aren’t here now, and you won’t see them again. Alright?”

With a soft whimper, Angel nodded.

The person led Angel out of the room, through the building until Angel felt the sun on their wings.

“Good. You’re doing good, Angel. We’re outside now. I’m going to take you to a carriage and we’re going to leave now, alright?”

Angel’s stomach began to twist into a tight knot of dread. “O… Okay…” They didn’t know this person. They didn’t believe that their intentions were noble. At least with Calder, Angel knew what to expect already…

Despite Angel’s reluctance, they went willingly to the carriage. They stepped up when the person told them to. They sat down once they were inside.

The stranger sat next to them. “My name is Echo.” They said as the carriage started to move. “I’m Calder’s younger sibling.”

CW: Sensory deprivation, gagged, blindfolded

“Well, my angel. You are still alive today?”

Angel shivered as they felt a presence cross the floor. The vibrations shook through their knees and they could feel it all the way at the tips of their wings.

“You seem a bit more awake today.”

As a thumb brushed over Angel’s face, they flinched hard. The fingers brushed lightly over the blindfold before pressing cruelly against Angel’s eye, making them gasp softly through their gag. When the hand pulled back, Angel whimpered involuntarily, scared of being hit.

As they had expected, a hard slap struck Angel’s face on the left side. Their head snapped to the side and a high whine escaped their throat.

“Don’t worry.” A hand grasped Angel’s chin, forcing them to face the voice. “There’s always tomorrow.”
