#tw chronic pain


As some of you may know, I have suffered chronic pain for years and recently it has gotten increasingly worse.

I’m still in the process of getting a diagnosis but my doctor highly suspects Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS for short.

EDS is a soft tissue disorder, joints being weak and hyper-mobile causing pain and other issues (like dislocation for example).

It’s a progression chronic illness, so the most I can do is learn to live with it and find coping methods but just as any chronic disability (because it does put me at a big disadvantage) every day is a ongoing struggle.

Constant joint pain/stability issues from weak joints to chronic fatigue and mental issues worsened by the constant struggle of daily life.

I been referred to a rheumatologist for a proper diagnosis, but it’s pretty clearly EDS at this point.

I wanted to share this because this chronic illness is a big part of my life (and a big pain in the ass) and to encourage anyone going through similar issues, I feel you and applaud you ❤️


As some of you may know, I have suffered chronic pain for years and recently it has gotten increasingly worse.

I’m still in the process of getting a diagnosis but my doctor highly suspects Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS for short.

EDS is a soft tissue disorder, joints being weak and hyper-mobile causing pain and other issues (like dislocation for example).

It’s a progression chronic illness, so the most I can do is learn to live with it and find coping methods but just as any chronic disability (because it does put me at a big disadvantage) every day is a ongoing struggle.

Constant joint pain/stability issues from weak joints to chronic fatigue and mental issues worsened by the constant struggle of daily life.

I been referred to a rheumatologist for a proper diagnosis, but it’s pretty clearly EDS at this point.

I wanted to share this because this chronic illness is a big part of my life (and a big pain in the ass) and to encourage anyone going through similar issues, I feel you and applaud you ❤️

Thankyou for sharing this part of your life with us. It’s so easy to try to hide the bad things in life and only reveal the good, but that’s not reality and it doesn’t help anyone. So thankyou for being so much braver than that. You are fantastic and amazing. ❤️
