#tw dad mention





So again, I’m really sorry but I was born after the year 2000 and I keep getting a TikTok with the ending “you lost the game” and everyone in the comments are just distraught millennials and I never understand so I went up to my dad and went “why do I keep hearing that I lost the game?”

I’ve never broken this man faster and he went “I don’t wanna talk about it” so now I’m even more confused so uh

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU BECAUSE OF YOU I LOST THE GAME (the fuck you is /j hope you understand that-)

(also “the game” is literally if you think of the game you lose, it’s kinda hard to explain?? But yeah that’s pretty much it as far as I know. Unless there’s some context I’m also missing???)


The game as described by a random tik-tok:

The Game is a mind game in which players attempt to avoid thinking about the phrase “the game” at all times.

The only real winners are those who don’t know What “ The Game “ is. (Because they can’t think about something they don’t know)

Everyone who is aware tries to not think about it. And If they do think about it they lose!

Which is why people love to ask if you lost the game (because the sentence in itself makes you think about the game)

Thank you for being better at words than I am-

Yeah that’s a pretty good explanation.


So again, I’m really sorry but I was born after the year 2000 and I keep getting a TikTok with the ending “you lost the game” and everyone in the comments are just distraught millennials and I never understand so I went up to my dad and went “why do I keep hearing that I lost the game?”

I’ve never broken this man faster and he went “I don’t wanna talk about it” so now I’m even more confused so uh

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU BECAUSE OF YOU I LOST THE GAME (the fuck you is /j hope you understand that-)

(also “the game” is literally if you think of the game you lose, it’s kinda hard to explain?? But yeah that’s pretty much it as far as I know. Unless there’s some context I’m also missing???)
