#tw food mentions

 trying to build up reward app points w/ @rkrxcky

everyone has their favorite convenience store. the one where you’d alwaysgo to, even coming to the point where an employee would give you an extra rice ball without pay. jungeun’s favorite, in particular, was a 7/11 near a dance studio she frequented at in hongdae. she didn’t realize how much she took korean 7/11′s for granted—until she went to america. she would neverforget the unappetizing “fresh” food she saw, sadly rolling away on metal rings. ( if food were animated, she might’ve helped them escape. ) she recalls her cousin once telling her to buy a buffalo chicken wing. no thanks, i’ll just stick with my lays and slurpee. in comparison, she rarely thought twice about buying fresh food from anyconvenience store back in seoul. which is why she found herself walking towards her favorite rice balls, which should be renamed into jungeun’s rice balls, eyes widening as there was only oneleft. 

“i’m taking that.” jungeun announces to a hooded figure standing in front of the cooled rice ball shelving. she wasn’t sure if they even wanted a rice ball but she didn’t care. what i want, i’ll get—or whatever ariana grande said. 
