#tw human remains discussion









If you ever feel down just think about how happy a future archeologist will be to find your bones. They will love your bones so much. They will scream in happiness and do a little dance when they see your bones. Your bones will be so meaningful to them.

Our bones our the blessed of bones. Our bones shall echo through the pages of history

Can vouch for this. Unless your bones are in a stupid place. Please be mindful of where you leave your bones at all times. When possible leave prior warning. For example a grave stone. No one likes surprise bones.

Can confirm, your bones will make some of us extremely happy; we are deeply weird but usually in a positive way. If you have bad arthritis we will feel sympathy for your pain. If you have big muscle attachments we will admire them. If you have delicate cheekbones we will ponder what you looked like. We will mourn you and be excited to “meet” you.

But yes, please try to ensure your bones are in a spot where bones should be. Marked cemeteries, etc.  We like to plan our days accordingly.

@archaeo-geek@micewithknives other than gravestones/cemeteries = good, are there any other good places (or especially BAD places) where i should leave my bones?

Columbariums, acceptable. Ossuaries, good. Museums or science centres, possibly, depending on some ethics factors. At a shrine somewhere as a cool mummy, yeah I’m good with that if you are.

At a historic disaster site like a shipwreck, battlefield, volcanic eruption, etc., fine, but only if we can as a society move past the tendency for looters to be rudely turning over your bones searching for artifacts. Stop that.

In a random unmarked grave behind your homestead because your spouse couldn’t be bothered to take your body to very distant consecrated ground (and therefore to a known burial area), very bad. In a privy, very bad. Under a road or sidewalk, very bad. In a plastic bag abandoned in the woods because someone kept your skull around as a lucky charm for years and then decided to ditch it (yes this has happened), very very bad. Do not do. 

You may leave your bones where @archaeo-geek​ disapproves of on the condition you leave forewarning. You may leave your bones wherever you wish as long as you leave a sign. 

May i recommend:

please leave multiples just in case someone decides to take your sign for their own purposes


Someday, a thousand years from now,
an archaeologist will find your skull
and say, he must have been a handsome man,
this denizen of the primitive
twenty-first century,
before humanity had sailed across
the black sea of space. She will search around
your resting place for shards of pottery,
sift the soil for evidence of ash,
fragments of bone. She will examine
every stone to learn what kind of litter
society left in its midden, evaluate
all that is broken.

She will recreate
your features based on bone structure,
fragments of DNA, educated
conjecture, and an adolescent crush
on the contours of your cheeks, the elegant
curve of your brow, your jaw.
She will mistake the color of your eyes,
which are only blue in certain moods,
on sunny days.
But in so many ways she will capture
you, as I see you today,
with the kind of beauty that inheres
in the skeleton
and will endure when you and I,
my love, are gone, long gone.
