#tw toxic friendship


Applicable towards romantic/platonic/familal F/OS

Tw content: mentions toxic relationships and cutting people out of your life. This Imagine is more sober than usual, but I wanted to write it because I feel at least someone out there needs to read it.

Imagine: You’ve had to break things off with a friend recently; your friendship was deep and old, and you reconnected lately with hope for a better relationship a second time around.

However, time has passed and your romantic/platonic/familial f/os have heard you talk about this friend often- there’s some good but they’re worried— they’ve heard you bring up questionable and toxic behavior this friend has directed towards you many, many times now since becoming friends again. They’ve listened to you, comforted you, given you advice, and helped you remain objective about that friend’s behavior and the verdict is a reoccurring one: you’re not being treated as well as you should and you deserve better.

They’re never annoyed with you for bringing up these instances- they’re grateful you’re telling them so they can reassure you that you’re not over reacting, you’re not “too sensitive”. They feel upset and angry at the person, but not you. They understand you may need time to work through the fact you have to cut that person out, that you may not feel comfortable yet with just up and leaving. Your f/o understands and is there for you to comfort you each time.

You’re devastated, of course- you know your f/o is right- you’ve got to leave that friend. You had really hoped things would be better this second time around but no matter how many times you try to get an apology from your friend, you end up frustrated at the way they don’t change their behavior.

Imagine your f/o holding you, telling you fiercely as many times as you need to hear it that you deserve to be treated better;you deserve respect, you deserve to feel emotionally safe in all your relationships.

They hold your hand as you cut that toxic person out of your life, they hug you and let you cry if you need to; disappointment is painful and they understand the need to mourn what could’ve been if only that person wasn’t so awful to you. Your f/o tells you they have faith in you to find better friends, and that they’ll be there to help you any way they can so you don’t get hurt again.

Days or even months later, your f/os have no problem with hearing you confess your doubts about your decision, nor do they have any problems with reassuring you that you made the right choice.

If you had to cut someone out in your life recently for your own mental health, know your f/os are so, so proud of you. They understand the amount of stress and effort you had to undergo to do it. They want you to put your mental health first.

They love you.
