#twisted focus


I have a new page on FB page and we’re holding a contest! On the page the first or second post will say:

Wow! 30 likes! Let’s get it to 50!
In celebration I’ll hold a drawing!
1. Share this post.
2. Like this post.
3. Like my page if you haven’t already.
When my page reaches 50 likes I will put everyone’s name who did all three things into a drawing. The person who’s name I pull will win one of the prints I have for sale on a canvas for free. I’ll even ship it to your house if I can’t hand deliver it at my expense.
Here are a few of the prints that could soon be hanging on your wall:

Anything posted in the Wall Art album plus a select few in the  Pet Photographs is up for grabs! So be sure to head on over and follow the steps on the contest post!

You can find the page by following this link: www.facebook.com/twistedfocus 
