#twisted wonderland x ever after high


Rosalina “Rose” Draconia/Elves’s Bio

Biographical Information

Name: Rosalina “Rose” Draconia/Elves

Age: 15-16

Birthday: January 18

Starsign: Capricorn

Heights: 159cm

Eye color: Jade Green(Left), Ocean blue(Right)

Hair color: black with jade green ombre

Homeland: Valley of Thorns(Birthplace), White Kingdom

Dorm: Diasomnia

School year: First year

Oppucation: Student

Club: Fashion Club

Best subject: Potionology

Dominant hand: Right

Favorite food: Strawberry cake

Least favorite food: Onions

Dislike: Destiny, Snow White

Unique Magic: “Spindle Dream”

This UM puts anyone to sleep, but Overblot if it was over used.

“It takes hard work to get what you want, don’t forget it. If you did I’ll put you to sleep”

Rose at Diasomnia:

- Back in EAH, Apple White gave her a really hard time by reminding her that she’s just a daughter of the Elves(Her adoptive family’s story was The Elves and the Shoemaker), but she snaps by saying “OH YEAH?! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT APPLE?! ALL YOU DO IS ARE AN APPLE, GET POISONED, KISSED BY ‘PRINCE CHARMING’ AND RULE EVER AFTER!! RAVEN TOLD ME YOU ALWAYS ASK THE MIRROR ” MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL WHO’S THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL" ISN’T THAT’S WHAT THE EVIL QUEEN SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! WHAT ARE YOU EVIL QUEEN’S DAUGHTER?! MAYBE YOU’RE THE NEXT EVIL QUEEN AND NOT RAVEN!!“ But she was calm down by Dawn, Raven and Lizzie.

- When she learns that she’s Maleficent’s descendant and Malleus’s sister, she was confused she thought that she was the Elves’s daughter until it was point out by the Mirror that she’s adopted.

- When she got sorted into Diasomnia, she felt nervous but slowly getting confident.

- She loved the dorm’s atmosphere but flustered being called "Lady Rosalina” or “Rosalina-sama” from her dormmates, mostly from Sebek.

- When she met Malleus and learn their siblings she was shy towards him and avoid him.

- When she saw how powerful and skilled Malleus was in magic, she felt like she could never be strong as him.

- Rose was surprised to find out despite being a powerful Fae Malleus was a soft person, she apologize to him about avoiding him and the more she get to know him the more she became genuinely close to him.

- Lilia end up adopting Rose.

- When Malleus and Lilia finds out about her Unique Magic they decided to train her to become stronger.

- Of course she’s still contacted her adopted Elf family from letting them know what’s going on at NRC to her relationships with her brother and the others.

- Her work in school, her UM, and determination made Rose popular at Diasomnia.


  1. She’s twisted from the Spindle Wheel from Sleeping Beauty.
  2. She can’t stand Apple, and Daring
  3. She admires Lizzie.

Dawn White’s Bio

Biographical Information

Name: Dawn White

Gender: Female

Age: 15-16

Birthday: March 4(Yeah her birthday is on Alice in Wonderland 2010 movie release)

Starsign: Pisces

Height: 164cm

Eye color: Diamond blue

Hair colour: light blonde with bluish white streak

Homeland: Wonderland

Dorm: Heartslabyul

School year: First Year

Club: Film Research Club

Best Subject: Music

Dominant hand: Right

Favorite food: Chocolate Tarts

Least favorite food: None

Dislike: Destiny, Riddle’s mom.

Hobby: Acting

Unique Magic: “Summon”

Her Unique Magic is that she can summon monsters and beasts

“Destiny? Pfft no way, being a Rebel with Rose is better than being a boring Royal!”

Dawn White at Heartslabyul:

- Back at EAH, she was one of Apple’s victims, she was targeted because of her light blonde hair and diamond blue eyes and thinks she’s too beautiful thankfully Rose told her off so at NRC she’s rather nervous.

- but after being sorted in Heartslabyul she got better, she like the dorm’s atmosphere because Heartslabyul was a lot fun than the dorms in EAH.

- When she met Riddle she’s surprised that someone other than Lizzie knows all the Queen of Hearts rules and according to Riddle he’s surprised that Dawn was the descendant of the White Queen.

- Unlike Lizzie and Riddle she’s a bit gentle with the rules because according to her “Yelling at people for breaking the Queen of Hearts rules is hurting my throat!” So she gave them a light scolding.

- Realizing that the Dorm didn’t have a board for the Queen of Hearts rules, she wrote all the Queen of Hearts rules in her “Queen Of Hearts Rules” notebook and remind herself to follow the rules or Lizzie and Riddle are having her head.

For@sayuricorner ever after high x twisted wonderland AU

1st girl: Clarion Belle(Based on Wendy Darling from Peter Pan)

Boy: Crisanto Garden(Based on Rosseta from Tinkerbell)

2nd girl: Cordelia Falls(Based on Silvermist from Tinkerbell

For@sayuricorner twisted wonderland x ever after high

1: Magni La bête(Based on the Beast from Beauty And The Beast)

Girl 2: Ibara La bête(Based on Belle from Beauty and The Beast)

Girl 3: Mellisa Claire(Based on Rapunzel from tangled)

For@sayuricorner Ever After High X Twisted Wonderland AU

1st girl: Rose Draconia, Malleus’s sister(Based on the spindle wheel from Sleeping Beauty)

2nd: Maria Vines(Based on Giselle from 2007 Enchanted)
