
This is going to be a long post - I have so many updates! - but I’ll try to be succinct. I&rsq

This is going to be a long post - I have so many updates! - but I’ll try to be succinct. I’ll start with the obvious: my YouTube channel is officially up and running and has it’s first video. It’s a simple introduction, but make sure you subscribe. New content coming soon!
✔ 100 Days of Productivity ✔
79/100, 2/9: Organised all my bookshelves, which were getting overwhelmed and very messy.
80/100, 3/9: Work, work, work!
81/100, 4/9: Final day working in the library book storage on a major project - we smashed it!
82/100, 5/9: Announced my intent to step into the role of president/managing editor of the Amphora Issue, an Australian postgraduate classics journal.
83/100, 10/9: Focused on preparing for a Skype meeting with the editorial collective of Amphora.
84/100, 11/9: Met with the current secretary of Amphora over Skype and discussed the journal’s future. I have taken on the role as acting president until an official vote can be conducted.
85-87/100, 12-14/9: Spent three days in Launceston with close friends. The visit became something of a creative retreat - I was inspired to write fiction for the first time in 6+ months.
88/100, 15/9: Finished reading my second book for the month.
89/100, 19/100: Enjoyed a day in the garden thanks to glorious weather.
90/100, 23/9: Spent my day blogging - there were so many fascinating news items related to the ancient world!
91/100, 24/9: Caught up on some housework, particularly in my home office. You know how things pile up
92/100, 25/9: Finished a third fiction book for the month. It seems a small number but for someone who has been a full time student/researcher since 2013, it’s exciting to have spent so much time swept away in new and exciting worlds.
93/100, 26/9: Created and uploaded my first video to YouTube. I’m proud that I overcame my anxiety about being in front of the camera, and I look forward to creating more content to diversify #ImperiumRomanum
#classics #phdlife #phd #phdchat #ecr #twitterstorian #studygram #studyblr #blog #blogger #youtube #productivity #100daysofproductivity #daybyday

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