#two way communication



The National Press Club recently hosted the Chief Minister of Gibraltar for a press conference regarding relations between the the U.S. and Gibraltar. It was an open media event and got me thinking about the hard work that goes into planning a press conference. There was hardly any social media and I wondered- is this even the appropriate event for social media? Then I realized that ANY event is appropriate for social media! That’s the beauty of social media… It’s truly all around us.

It doesn’t matter if I’m the only one tweeting about something, because other people are still going to see it. Our world has become one giant web of two way communication and it’s awesome. This is evident in things as simple as marketing: We’re in a place societally where we value interaction, whether that’s consumer to consumer; consumer to advertiser; or consumer to company. We want that two way communication in all aspects of our lives. So when in doubt, talk it out!
