#twst commission


Your match is: Azul Ashengrotto!

Tysm @sleepy-kat14 for commissioning me!!

Commissions are open!

  • Azul admires your pride in your studies and would be willing to lend a hand if needed. He’s more than aware of how hard you work each day, be it in trying to assist others or in improving yourself.
  • Despite his reputation, he’s good with words and familiar enough with personal struggles to calm you down when you’re feeling anxious. 
  • Similarly, he knows how great of a motivator praise can be, so he tries to take care of you in his own little ways; setting aside a drink for you during your breaks, giving compliments when he genuinely notices something, or reminding you to say no sometimes when an offer was clearly meant to take advantage of you.
  • Azul would probably enjoy games and puzzles that train the mind as well, which is something the two of you sometimes do together when you hang out! As for food-related things, he’s always looking out for potential menu items for the lounge!
  • Physical contact is something he would only share with someone he trusts – and as such, once he lowers his walls around you, Azul would value it a lot for what the intimacy means to him (insecurities can be found in every person, even him – thus he appreciates your compassion a lot. And if it makes the both of you feel loved, what’s there to lose in indulging in more affection?)
  • You really do remind Azul of a fairytale sometimes - from your love of flowers and gardens to your selfless nature, it allows him to remember that there can be goodness in the world. It’s comforting for sure when he can spend time around someone without thinking about their intentions.
  • In return, Azul learns to become less guarded around you. In the same way you provide him with a place to settle and relax, he treats you with care and looks out for you whenever he can.