#twst wonderland x reader


I’m a girl, my height’s around 172cm or 5'7, I have pale skin and an Asian. If possible I’d like this matchup only with the NRC students since idk abt the other characters I’m an INFP, my star sign’s a Sagittarius and my zodiac is a snake. Idk abt those but hope it helps. I’m generally a lazy person when nothing caught my interest and since I’m always looking for something unpredictable or something fun, I may be lazy but that doesn’t mean that I’m a couch potato. I’ll do whatever you’ll ask me if I think that its necessary and will finish it all by the end of the day since I’ll do it depends on my mood unless you give me a valid reason as to why I have to do it right at that moment then I’ll try to finish it. I’m someone who doesn’t really care about anything around me especially on how people thinks about me and sometimes can be said as either ignorant or just plain intimidating thanks to the fact that I don’t really feel the need to act friendly with someone I just know but… I’m quite all the smiles for those who tried to get to know me and can be very clingy or all hugs with them unless they don’t like my hugs then I’ll just keep my hands off, I can be quite protective to those who I like so its best to not mess with my friends or my family or else I’ll just straight up be violent or in short very defensive since I was told that I’m quite territorial like an animal by my own friends =_= Istg– *cough* over all I’m just your average affectionate person that’ll just smile in any kind of situation that doesn’t piss me off XD I like to draw, write some random things, read something random but nothing horror since I hate those, swimming’s good but no where near those deep areas or somewhere with poor vision especially in the sea since I fear deep waters, a little basket sounds fun, and playing with or studying animals are the best if I’m in the mood. Maybe I’ll go mountain climbing and try horse riding in the future since they sounds like fun might as well as archery. I like to eat sweets especially puddings or anything with vanilla flavour, they’re the best. I hate eating vegetables but currently trying my best though sometimes I don’t particularly appreciate the taste. I fear heights, insects/invertebrates creatures and I really really hate horrors or thriller movies they’re bad for me who’s a little sensitive. I hate holes they just creeps me up especially if there’s a lot. Oh before I forgot I also hate to be touched suddenly but I’ll bear with it if its just a quick pat and I especially hate it when strangers touch me in any kind of physical touch, much more so if its a man that I don’t know since I have my own fear with a male thanks to my childhood friend =_= though doesn’t mean that I can’t interact or touch them in any kind of ways… its just… uh how do you say it… scary if they suddenly touch me or call me out suddenly. Ah don’t get me wrong, I still like males  but I prefer to keep my distance and observe them from afar since most of the time I don’t know how to interact with them or how to act around males. I like tall males so it just adds up the pressure so its quite confusing on what I should do with the other party, if given time then maybe I can mellow down a little with a male but everything depends on them since you know… curing a fear takes some time.



ℌ ℭ?

 Oh?? Oh, dear. It seems like you’ve taken a certain hunter’s breath away. Congratulations, dearest wisher! You’ve struck his heart with your cupid’s arrows!

 Have you ever tried to spend some time with this hunter? Dear Wisher, you should know that he’s always out and about hunting for beauty. He’ll be there, willing for you to join him on his mission to appreciate the beauty the world has to offer. Besides, who’d be foolish to pass the chance to bask in your beauty? Certainly not him.

While Rook Hunt is known for being an adventurous fellow, one mustn’t neglect the fact that he’s reliable, especially with his responsibilities as Pomefiore’s Vice Dorm Leader. Perhaps he might know how to find the right words to motivate you to finish your duties…

 As one of the most observant in the school, Rook will immediately notice your so-called ‘ignorant’ moments and the moments where you’ll smile and your tendency to cling. The moment he sees how you are with people who wants to get to know you, the curiosity he harbors within him might just surface. He may observe from afar for a little while longer before approaching you.

 Your tendency to be protective and defensive of the people you love is one of the things Rook finds endearing. He may or may not have the temptation to burst out and talk about how this territorial side of you is endearing.. He may be one of the people who’ll use a territorial animal as an… Ahem.. Comparison…

 Dabbling in the arts is something that Rook would appreciate, he may have seen some of your works due to his sharp sight and his curiosity as a hunter. Of course, Rook knows how to swim. Maybe if there’s a special occasion, he could take you to one of the lakes or ponds. It wouldn’t take long for him to notice of your fear of the deep, once he learns of this, it’ll automatically be remembered by said hunter. Needless to say, he’ll be the lover who’ll help you with your fear, whether you want to overcome or steer clear of it.

 Did you mention animals? Studying animals? My dear, it goes without saying that Rook has some knowledge regarding the animal kingdom, demeanor, and all. Mountain climbing and horse riding? Check, and check. This hunter has undoubtedly experienced those two activities before and will gladly accompany you in such activity if you ask! And did you just mention archery?? You hit the jackpot, wisher. Come to him for help, you don’t need to beg for him to teach you with your curiosity for archery.

 You don’t like to eat vegetables but you like eating sweets? And you have a preference for the flavor of vanilla, you say? With your love for sweets and your dislike for vegetables (wisher, I feel you here), he may come up with ways to urge you to eat healthily. With the idea of fruits and creative ways to use fresh vanilla in dishes.

 There’s little to nothing that Mother Nature can use to scare this hunter who finds beauty in everything nature has to offer. Height doesn’t really… Affect him, but he’ll make sure to be by your side if you were to end up in such places. As a hunter who’s always out, exposed to nature, insects are something he’s not afraid of. If you ever find yourself looking wary of an insect from across the room, chances are he’ll either capture and end them or capture and free them to their rightful place.

 Oh, dear… With your discomfort of the opposite gender (pardon if I offended anyone here), Rook is not exactly the… Ideal man to start with, but maybe… He may be also ideal if you want to overcome your discomfort..? He’s a man who likes to observe as well, although it may be a little too extreme for some, or most, people. He’s the type to just appear behind you and talk. If this approach of his causes you discomfort… He may continue on this approach, but not too often. Of course, this hunter will be the one who’ll do most of the conversation initiation. Or he might find a way to slowly get you to feel comfortable around him. He does have a sharp mind, after all. Maybe, just maybe he’ll be the one to aid you in curing this fear of yours.


 With the clear blue skies and warm sun, it was the perfect day to finally fulfill one of the activities you’ve always wanted to participate in; mountain climbing.

 With the help and presence of your companions, you’ve successfully found a mountain to explore. It wasn’t the tallest nor the most difficult to climb, but it was known to hold one of the most beautiful sceneries one could witness with its colorful floras and the occasional glimpse of mountain animals.

  The first experience of mountain climbing is no easy feat, but with the aid of safety and those who’ve had more experience, you managed to make it up the top of the mountain without a hitch. Taking the view in as you stood at the top of the mountain with other people, you found scenery unlike any you’ve ever seen. What used to be trees that tower over you seem so small from your position above.

 Landforms reached as far as your eyes could see over the horizon. The sight was truly breathtaking.

 A moment’s peace, disrupted as you heard someone approach you. “Pardon me, mademoiselle.” A voice so pleasant reached your ears, beckoning for you to turn your head and meet the eyes of whoever called for you. His cupid bow lips, curved into a smile of appreciation and fondness. If his smile wasn’t enough to convey that, it was his green eyes that expressed his awe.

 Wariness rose within you, seeing the man before you. If he noticed your vigilance, he was doing a great job at hiding it. It wasn’t easy to tell as the more you try to read if he’s danger, the more mysterious he is.

A story of romance. A hunter of love and the girl of his curiosity. 


The dark silhouette slumped on the ground, sighing. 

“Well.. It seems that I’ve finally managed to release a wish.. No, I will not be leaving this lair behind to gather dust. The eclipse, the Phantom of the Opera, will not be forgotten. The results are in, and I hope you’ll be looking forward on who won the role of the Phantom. Will it be the witch or the queen? ” The silhouette winked.


Look!!, I can’t believe I got 200 followers !!✨

✨thank you so much everyone I really appreciated all the support‍♀️✨Sooooo I’m opening request to celebrate Yay!! Feel free to sent me a request in my inbox love y’all ✨
