#txt rbs



You know i dont think we always talk about how self sufficient the mansion was originally meant to be. Like how isolating it was, and how deeply reflective it was of c!Tubbo’s trauma.

Like Snowchester was founded on being far, and it was ages before c!Tubbo even considered putting a Nether portal there because he did not want people to just stumble upon his lands. It was meant to be a place away from it all for people stranded after the fall of L'Manberg, which is why he asked c!Jack and c!Tommy to join him initially. It’s covered in walls, and has nuclear armaments called Project Dreamcatcher for defense. As time went on he became more concerned with walls/having a defense tower/and even spreading out to spy on Las Nevadas because of his own paranoia to keeping everyone inside that place safe. He had an interrogation room and a hidden vault too.

And then we have the mansion, meant to be a home for a family, for Michael to have more room running around and for c!Ranboo to stay with him. It was huge yes, it was meant to be a home yes, but it also was supposed to be self sufficient. No longer would c!Tubbo need to go to his potato farm outside to get food, he planned to have entire automatic farm inside, partially because he loves automation, but also sort of the larger implication that I don’t know if he intended to leave Snowchester, or even the mansion. So when I think Ghostboo sort of talks about the mansion in a way that implies its lack of homeliness it may be partially due to the fact it was abandoned and they never moved in, but it could also be a larger implication of how the place was almost designed to be isolated away.

This is something i thought about all day, pls feel free to add on.


Wait hold on I think some of you are horny for real


happy pride cranboo likes men is gay married and is nonbinary canonically having been referred to with he/they pronouns by ranboolive himself on stream
