#tyranny obsidian

elegiacescapist: More draw the squad memes! Tried doing more hard shading for this one, soft shading


More draw the squad memes! Tried doing more hard shading for this one, soft shading didn’t go well with it.

This time it’s (left-to-right):

I leave this situation up to you guys to interpret, enjoy~

(I couldn’t find the source for the meme, let me know if you have it and want me to add it)

It’s Xeragath, and you chose the most fitting position for this grumpy bastard. xD This is amazing, thank you!

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chattonmaverick:Full size*One really boring afternoon at Tunon’s Court*“Hey guys, this meme thing lo


Full size

*One really boring afternoon at Tunon’s Court*

“Hey guys, this meme thing looks fun, wanna try it?”
“I’m up.”
“Where can we get two benches though?”
“Or the stand it goes one?”
“Eh…doesn’t the Adjudicator have that ugly ass throne he threw out sometime ago stored somewhere? We can use that.”
“Alright, I’ll get the image capture crystal. You all get ready.”
“Wait, we don’t have that thing in the top right. Who’s gonna do that?”
“…Hey, are the Voices and Graven Ashe still around? I bet you we can threaten them into participating.”

*And they proceed to fail the meme to epic proportions*

Thank you all to those that participated in this!
@elegiacescapist (Don’t burn the place please!)
@luffik&@zlukaka (*Epic pose*)
@ajelo-draws (I hope you like the shirtlessness and Haethur’s butt-up-in-the-air pose)
@evilrevan (Yes, I got lazy drawing hands and feet, that’s why Reyvanna is so close, also, we can’t tell who is Casina XD)
@barkghest (Dude, I don’t know what your lady is like with clothes on, so I gave her a bedsheet)
@christinedabae (Draping a person over another’s shoulder is hard, okay?)
@praiseandworshipourgreatconchita (*Sunglasses shine*, *The Who comes on*)
@naddaya (*flirts* *gets feet to the face*)
@those-strange-trees (The only one with the right reaction to this whole thing)
@professorwillynilly (Inkar is fed up at people being in places they aren’t suppose to be)
and@firvenn. (Smile everyone! *No one is ready* *Takes picture anyway*)

Auria, meanwhile, is experience regret as she fails to climb a stone throne.

Original meme challenge is here. Click if you dare!


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christinedabae: naddaya: best archon 10/10 would betray everyone else again A++++++ artGive me a s



best archon 10/10 would betray everyone else again

A++++++ art

Give me a spoon somebody, please, I need that eye for my collection immediately.

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There once was a man from the Court
Who wore his robes way too short
Presenting his case
Caused a public disgrace
And his arguments got no support

There once was an Archon of War
Who thought Kyros was a great bore
When he tried to rebel
Kyros gave him due hell
Now he doesn’t complain anymore

There once lived an assassin called Mark
Whose demeanour, though funny, was dark
People dared not breathe air
If they thought he was there
For his bite was way worse than his bark

Now the Court, it had a great Judge
But damn, could that man hold a grudge!
If you strayed off the path
He’d slap you with Wrath
And he’d drag your name through the sludge

There once was an Archon of Song
Who hadn’t been in power too long
When she started to belt
People’s faces would melt
And the rest followed her in a throng

I promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :DI promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*I’M not SORRY OKAYYou guys are diamonds. :D

I promised. *whistles innocently and quickly goes away*


You guys are diamonds. :D

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@christinedabae, welll… I’m not quite sure about that, to be honest.
It would be undoubtebly great to get DLC, though I’m 90% sure Obsidian won’t provide us with romances - neither with the party memders, nor with any other character in the game. I’m not a game dev, sure, though I think it takes enourmous amount of thinking and writing to create a romance - and it would have taken even more efforts to fit new content in the gameplay.

Also, as far as I remember, the devs clearly stated that they’re not going to create romances in the game, though I can’t call to mind the exacts statement and reasons for such a decision.

There’s still hope, yes, if there will be an addon - then an explanation like “We’ve known each other for some time and I think I’ve developed very certain feelings towards you“ would seem at least somehowlegit.

But in regard to Mark… It’s quite hard for me (though it’s only my opinion, you may think whatever you like to :) ) to imagine him being an officially taken man. He’s about… How old, 300-400 years, right? There is a very high possibility that he had abandoned not only his previous self (there’s a line where he tells you that he wanted to cease being what he used to be), but also all the traditions and customs of his land. That shackle may as well be just a leash to control him, and the act of giving it to you? Maybe an attempt to get rid of this leash.

Though he definitely showed somewhat curious fondness towards the Fatebinder - and it may serve as a base for relationship. I can’t imagine him being a family man, and the role of a faithfull husband doesn’t seem fitting either, BUT I can easily imagine him at least being a paramour. If a Fatebinder puts enough efforts into surprising and exciting him, and getting under that cover of mistery of his, they probably can find a permanent place in his dark heart.

Still, I highly advice you to be ready to possible adultery. If you could ever expose it. :D

@firvenn; ahaha! oh, i’m sure of the same and i’m certain they won’t bring in romantic subplots. that was just me joking and my weird flanderizing brand of ‘humour’. :’) 
yeah, i’m 100% convinced in-game the shackle was meant as a leash and him thinking that he’s gonna be free of kyros and tunon if he hands it over or something idk. the whole big whoop over “WEDDING SHACKLE” came from people seeing a scan of the tyranny art book where it mentioned mark’s shackles had once been marriage-related. (at least, i think???) and that was enough for people (me included) to be all “OHOHOHO, OH MY”. i could never see the whole family stuff, like that’d just be so out of line with the rest of the game.

though i’d never say no to possible adultery. agreed on that. xD

like i’m actually glad they didn’t implement romances. personally, i live for the ~hints~ and the ~maybes~ and having to read between the lines and interpret dialogue to infer character’s deeper thoughts and feelings. leaves way more room for the imagination! plus, now everyone and their mom is thirsty and that makes for good fan content.

but what i really want from a dlc or a next instalment is to go toe-to-toe with kyros…

(actually, now that i am thinking about, i think the only companion you can express romantic fondness for is verse! you can tell her that you like her as more than a friend, and she says something along the lines of ‘lol we’ll see after we’re done’. and that was a gem, that was the perfect tiny hint of ~affections~ and ~maybes~ my wintry heart needed.) 

also on an unrelated topic, i’m still reeling with laughter at the flower crowns + archons :’D

Aha, it’s perfectly okay, I also was all OHOHOHOing, when I found that out. :D And there’s nothing bad in pondering over theoretically possible romantic encounters? I mean, I’ve always thought that romance is a great way to see a different side of a character, to now something new about them, etc.

Personally, I regret they gace up the whole romance stuff, but, well… It’s not that I can do simething about it, and I’m def not going to rant hysterically. It’s indeed better to dive in hints. :)

Ohhh, Kyros.That MUST be something good or… Dunno, the whole impression will be ruined? I guess so. If there’s a direct battle, it has to be EPIC.

LOL, glad you liked it, though I should thank @barkghest for the idea. :D

@christinedabae, welll… I’m not quite sure about that, to be honest.
It would be undoubtebly great to get DLC, though I’m 90% sure Obsidian won’t provide us with romances - neither with the party memders, nor with any other character in the game. I’m not a game dev, sure, though I think it takes enourmous amount of thinking and writing to create a romance - and it would have taken even more efforts to fit new content in the gameplay.

Also, as far as I remember, the devs clearly stated that they’re not going to create romances in the game, though I can’t call to mind the exacts statement and reasons for such a decision.

There’s still hope, yes, if there will be an addon - then an explanation like “We’ve known each other for some time and I think I’ve developed very certain feelings towards you“ would seem at least somehowlegit.

But in regard to Mark… It’s quite hard for me (though it’s only my opinion, you may think whatever you like to :) ) to imagine him being an officially taken man. He’s about… How old, 300-400 years, right? There is a very high possibility that he had abandoned not only his previous self (there’s a line where he tells you that he wanted to cease being what he used to be), but also all the traditions and customs of his land. That shackle may as well be just a leash to control him, and the act of giving it to you? Maybe an attempt to get rid of this leash.

Though he definitely showed somewhat curious fondness towards the Fatebinder - and it may serve as a base for relationship. I can’t imagine him being a family man, and the role of a faithfull husband doesn’t seem fitting either, BUT I can easily imagine him at least being a paramour. If a Fatebinder puts enough efforts into surprising and exciting him, and getting under that cover of mistery of his, they probably can find a permanent place in his dark heart.

Still, I highly advice you to be ready to possible adultery. If you could ever expose it. :D


concept: an edict of flowers. the entire northern empire is covered in roses. kyros finally knows i love her and forgives me for that tiers stunt i pulled

You don’t really understand what horrifying power you’ve released, do you?..




It does indeed, and it’s fascinating. I have to admit that voice acting in games means a lot for me both in terms of the whole playing and making opinion about characters (that goes for everyone, I suppose), thus listening to Mark’s melodious intonations was a true pleasure.


*blushes profusely*

I mean, the game’s great but waaay too short, the ending seems hella rushed, and we’re given this sparkling Kyros-is-coming-after-you-hint that goes to… nothing? Really?..
It would be quite interesting to watch how the anarchist Fatebinder going to solve all the problems that will soon befall them.
There’s also a hope that maaaybe we will be granted with more interactions with Bleden Mark. No offence, I liked the guy, but there was too little of him for me to become all hyped. He’s intriguing at least (and let’s be honest, that statement about sleeping peacefully under his watchfull eye is both dubious and suggestive, okay?? >///<) and it would be a shame to have such character just left even less that half revealed.
AND I also want more Lantry! That ol’ man is a pure treasure. :D
