#ugh this is so frustrating



To everyone that has been affected by the new security update and can no longer edit and save changes on their pages due to JavaScript within the code, you have to contact support for them to reenable it on your blog.

All the information is copied and pasted below, and can also be viewed in the source link. In the meantime, the only way around it is to remove any Javascript from blog pages(tooltips, filters, tabs, pop ups, etc.)

Hello, Tumblr.

We’re tightening security on blogs to prevent bad actors (such as spammers) from using malicious JavaScript on Tumblr. These changes likely won’t affect many of you, and no action is required on anyone’s part, but we wanted to be clear about them. Here’s what’s happening:

  • Javascript is not allowed at all in blog descriptions. If we detect it, we’ll simply remove it when the blog is viewed.
  • Blog pages cannot have JavaScript as well. If we detect it, we’ll remove it when the blog is viewed. If you try to edit a blog page that contains JavaScript, you’ll see an error message that reads: Looks like you’re trying to add some Javascript or invalid html to your page. You’ll need to contact Support if you’d like to use Javascript.
  • JavaScript in your custom theme code or installed theme is still fine and is not affected by these changes.

Hey wait. I’m doing [cool and not malicious thing] with JavaScript. Can’t you make an exception?

For sure. We love when people do cool and not malicious things on Tumblr. If you need to use some JavaScript on a page or in your description, reach out to Support and we’ll get it sorted out for you.
