#ugh this makes me so mad



Lizzy who is a little stubborn and unafraid and supported by most of her family and friends says no and is applauded by Austen fans. Emma who is rich and self-assured, even a little full of herself, says no and is applauded.

Shy, sweet Fanny is ignored, insulted, and treated like dirt by her family yet she helps them to the point of becoming sick and still cares about them enough to try to warn them away from danger. She says no when she is literally trembling, crying from fear and has only one person who fully supports her and she’s the one who is called weak and insipid?

Fanny Price is actually one of the strongest and most amazing of Jane Austen’s characters. If you can’t see that then maybe you need to ask yourself: why do I view only outspoken characters strong and interesting?
