


Part One 

Gosalyn spends her nights following the human. 

She hadn’t meant to start, really.

 Downtown is so bright, with skyscrapers and giant LED billboards and so many human eyes that she finds herself sticking to the more shadowed parts of the city for safety: the warehouse district, the docks, condemned buildings. She’s drawn to the bay more and more often, mesmerized by the play of moonlight against the sharpness of the black water and how it just seems to go on and on, Duckburg’s distant shore mocking her with its deceptive nearness.

But on this night she edges just a little bit closer to the populated streets, her mind on where she’ll get her next meal. She’s hidden in shadow on a low rooftop when she sees the snap of a black wing out of the corner of her eye. 

Gosalyn leaps to her feet, heart pounding, and takes after it without a moment’s hesitation, gliding across the spaces between rooftops in desperate pursuit. She catches a brief glimpse of their wings again, disappearing over the side of a building. She doesn’t dare call out, lest she’s wrong, lest someone else hear her. 

Not a moment later she hears the reverberation of a gargoyle’s roar. Nearly forgoing caution altogether she runs to the edge of the building, smiling for the first time in days because she’s certain that her loneliness will end. 

But it’s no gargoyle. 

A human man rides astride a tremendous motorcycle, a long dark cape fluttering behind him. His bike roars like some great beast as it takes off down the street and Gosalyn watches him go with a hollowness opening up inside her. 

However, her curiosity is not dimmed. 

Keep reading

