#ultimate fav



Mind The Flowers


A terrible week at his beloved flower shop ‘Ume’ leaves Ushijima wondering his worth.

But perhaps with the help of the plants he looks after he may find the comfort and love he so freely gives to others returned to him tenfold.



This is a birthday gift for my friend @ticklygiggles

I hope that you enjoy it, my friend and that it gives you a good dose of magical Ushi!!!

You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39082635

Enjoy! :D

Word Count:4572


To anyone passing by, the front door of ‘Ume’would’ve looked like any other shop front.  Perhaps a little more aged then some as the sage colored paint had slowly started to be worn down by the countless people who visited each day.

But if someone were to have stopped to try and open the well used door, they would’ve found that not only was the sign flipped to ‘Sorry, We Are Closed’, but they would’ve also noticed the snake like tendrils of rose thorns coiling slowly around it.  An extra level of security as these plants were particularly protective of what was inside.

Their beloved Earth Mage, Ushijima Wakatoshi.

Keep reading


Thank you for giving Ushi the love he deserves my friend AND MAGICAL USHI IS MY WEAKNESS DKDNFKFKDDK

My heart is about to burst out there are tears in my eyes. Thank you so much my frieeend


Tengen x Fem!Reader | N$FW

Gift for @ticklygiggles​ | Smut & Tickles ♥


A/N:Sweetie girl @ticklygiggles​! Did I ever gift you p*rn before for your bday? I’m not sure if I did but that’s what’s happening right now. Happy birthday dearest and I hope you enjoy this smutty mess I wrote to honor this special day. Love you lots! 

Summary:You are Tengen Uzui’s fourth wife, and tonight you happen to be all alone with him and his very playful and sensual mood. (Also on Ao3

Word Count: 5390


Entry #185
Private inn in Yoshiwara

Dear Diary,

The day after tomorrow marks a special anniversary for Tengen’s enlistment in the Demon Slayer Corps. Although it hasn’t even been that long since I got married to him, it feels as if it has been ages already. Days like these remind me how much I still don’t know, and that I am his latest wife after all, but that is okay. For the anniversary, Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru are currently ー

The sudden sound of knocks on your door distracted you from writing, and you gasped softly in surprise since you were just going to note down something that wasn’t meant for Tengen’s eyes. “Knock knock. May I come in?” his voice called on the other side of the door.

“Y-yes, of course!” you chirped, quickly closing your journal and patting the cover. Tengen came striding into your room, looking relaxed and refreshed after a bath. His hair still looked a little damp, and he had a few subtle water drips on his face.

From your position on the tatami floor before the small table where you were writing your diary, you looked up at him in awe. He really was beautiful.

Once he was by your side and knelt down for a greeting kiss, you reached out and cupped his cheek so you could gently wipe away the water with your thumb. You then leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

“Is there anything you need?” you asked. He shook his head and sat down right behind you, flustering you a little when he grabbed your sides and gently lifted you so he could slide under you, settling you down in his lap. 

“Not at all. I just came to check on you. It’s rare for us to be alone like this, isn’t it? I just want to be with you,” he said, his fingers tapping against your waist. He didn’t even mean anything suggestive with it, but it definitely made you blush.

Seguir leyendo


Aaaah, you really know me so so well, my cravings for Tengen-sama has been satisfied this was so hot and also funny (tengen saying that he wasn’t ready either ckdjfndnff)

I’ll keep crying some more on our chat, but I love you so much and THANK YOU FOR THIS SKSNDKDNFN

aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across aevris:My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across


My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across was exclusively dinosaurs, so I wanted to include some less popular taxa.

(Check image captions for the text since the white-on-white is awfulto read)

Post link


Zane loves pink. He loves pink. Just adores it. He didn’t like it for a while after the whole apron thing, but after everyone apologized and admitted it was dumb of them, he went back to loving it and now he has pink everything. He indulges in his love for the color whenever he can.

Socks? Pink. All the time. Almost every pair.

His favorite sweater? It’s pink.

Aprons? He has a whole collection of different colored and patterned aprons. Half of them are some variety of pink.

Does he tend to use much food dye when baking? No. Will he jump at any opportunity to make a cake pink? Absolutely.

It took all his mental willpower to NOT order pink cookware online when he found some on sale.

He’s a menace when it gets close to Valentine’s Day.

I just think he deserves to enjoy something and him loving the color pink is such an endearing thought, L Ninjago canon, W Ninjago fanon





There should be a strain of weed called. i love you so much.


jungkook - leave the door open cover
