

Warnings: Like one swear word
Characters: Uncle!Sam Winchester, Daddy!Dean Winchester, Daughter!Winchester Reader, Bobby Singer (mentioned)
Summary: You get married and Dean has flashbacks as he struggles to accept that you’re growing up.
Reader’s Age: Old enough to get married I guess
Word Count: 2042

Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname

A/N: Here’s this week’s fic. I had fun writing this one. It made me a little sad but eh. Flashbacks in italics! Enjoy!


Your life has always been pretty hectic. Ever since you were born, you were a target to anything and everything supernatural related. That’s just what came with the Winchester name. You grew up in mangy motel rooms and spent most of your time in bars and diners. You were always the new kid at school, which resulted in not having a ton of friends, but you didn’t care about that. Your family was all you needed.

When you moved into the bunker, you finally were able to stay in one place. You went to the nearest school, and you were finally able to make friends. Granted, throughout the years, you lost some of them due to drama or just growing apart, but a few stuck around.

After graduation, your life slowed down. It didn’t feel like you were continually running around with friends or studying for upcoming exams; everything just kind of… settled.

Your high school boyfriend managed to stick around despite your father and uncle nearly murdering the poor guy. And now? Now you have a beautiful rock on your finger. And just like that, your life went from nice and calm straight back to hectic and crazy. You had appointments with florists, venues, priests, planners, and everyone in between.

You walked into the library, “Dad?” you called out. Your father hummed but kept his eyes glued to his laptop. “Which tie would you say looks more like turquoise?” you held up two ties that, to anyone but you, looked identical.

Your dad looked up, and his eyes flickered between the two ties. “That one?” He pointed to the one in your left hand.

You huffed heavily, “No! Do you even know what turquoise looks like?” Your hands dropped to your sides.

“Obviously not…” He muttered. You opened your mouth but stopped as Sam stepped into the room. “Sam, run! Go!” Dean started waving frantically.

Sam raised an eyebrow, about to turn around, but you grabbed him. “Uncle Sam, which tie looks like turquoise?” you held the ties up once again.

“That one,” Sam pointed to the tie in your right hand.

“Yes! Okay,” you sighed happily and looked at the ties. “Oh! I gotta call the chef!” you ran out of the room, hearing the chuckles of your family.

“Conner’s gonna have his hands full with her,” Sam joked, taking a seat across from his brother.

“Yeah…” Dean sighed.

“Daddy! Daddy!” You ran outside of Bobby’s house.

“Hey, baby,” Dean swooped you up.

“Look what Bobby got me!” you held out a turquoise hair bow.

“Wow, look at that! It’s even in your favorite color,” Dean clipped the bow into your hair.

“Dean? Dean? Dean?” Dean’s head snapped up, eyes roaming the room until they landed on his brother. “You okay? You zoned out,”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” he lied, looking at the ground.


Today was the day. The day you’re going to marry the man you love. You sat in a chair, staring at yourself in the mirror as your bridesmaids did your hair and makeup.

A knock sounded at the door, but that didn’t stop anyone from doing their jobs. The door opened, and Dean popped his head into the room.

“Hey, dad! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” you started panicking, about the stand up before Dean put his hand on yours.

“Everything’s fine, Y/N/N. Just needed to talk to you… alone if that’s okay?” Dean looked around at the bridesmaids, a few of whom he’s watched grow up alongside his daughter.

As everyone cleared out, you asked, “What’s up?”

Your dad pulled a chair to sit across from you. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees as he rubbed his hands together, staring at the ground. Dean sighed, “Y'know it’s not too late to back out,” you laughed, “I mean, Conner’s a good guy, and all, but do you really wanna spend your life with someone who chews with his mouth open? It’s like, that’s the first thing you’re taught when growing up; close your mouth when you eat!” your laughter filled the room. Dean looked up at you and smiled.

“Sam! Sam!” Dean ran into the motel room.

“What? What’s wrong?” Sam jumped up, frantically looking for injuries.

“Come here!” Dean grabbed his brother and dragged him outside. Sam calmed down a little when he saw you sitting in a baby swing; unharmed. “Watch!” Dean put his thumbs up to his head, resembling antlers, crossed his eyes, and blew a raspberry. Your giggles could’ve been heard from a mile away. Sam chuckled as he watched his brother make a fool of himself just to see your smile. “It’s the first time she’s ever smiled; let alone laugh! For a while there I thought we somehow lost her soul,” Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “But look! Look how happy she is!” Dean continued to make funny faces, getting you and Sam to laugh.

“Dad,” Dean blinked a few times, snapping out of his thoughts. “Why are you really here?”

“What? A dad can’t come to see his daughter on her wed-wedding d-day?” Dean sighed, looking down at his hands.

“Dad,” you giggled and glanced in the mirror, “Oh, shit!” you noticed one of the strands of your pinned-up hair had fallen. You started to try and fix it, as tears welled up in your eyes, thinking about how this one tiny thing could ruin your whole day.

“Hey, hey,” Dean grabbed your hands, “Let me help,” you took a deep breath a nodded. Dean started fiddling with the strand and clips.

“How the hell did she do that?” Dean looked down at the jumbled mess of your hair, then back at the video.

“It’s not that hard, dad, just do what she does!” you pointed to the video.

“‘Just do what she does’ oh, geez, it’s not like I’ve thought of that before,” Dean went to replay the video.

“Do you want me to find something easier?” you asked, slightly wincing at him pulling on your hair.

“No! I can do it.”

“Okay, dad,” you shook your head slightly before your dad grabbed it to make you stop.

“There,” Dean finished pinning the strand up, “All fixed,” you looked in the mirror and sighed in relief, “See? Nothing to worry about,”

You stood up and turned to him, a slight smile present on your face. “Thank you, dad,”

“Anything for you,”

“Dad, are you okay?” you asked, noticing the tears forming in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m great,” your dad looked to the ground.

You chuckled, “You always look at the ground when you lie. I do it, too,”

Dean looked up, “I’ve never liked lying to you,” you watched a tear escape your dad’s eye. You stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his torso. Your dad wasted no time in enclosing his arms around you.

“Daddy?” you crept into your dad’s room.

Your dad sniffled and glanced over his shoulder on his bed. “Hey, baby girl,” you didn’t see him wipe his eyes.

“Are you okay?” you shuffled closer to him.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he looked at the ground. You walked in front of him; you stared at him when you saw a tear running down his cheek. You lunged forward and wrapped your arms around him. Your dad did the same to you.

“Alright,” Dean pulled away from the hug, fighting against every fiber of his being that wanted to hug you again. “Don’t wanna ruin your makeup,” your dad cupped your cheek for a moment. “I’ll let you finish getting ready,”

“Okay, I love you, dad,” you told him as he walked to the door.

“Love you, too,”


Dean stood in the hallway, waiting for you so he could walk you down the aisle. Dean heard people talking behind him, and as he turned around, time slowed down. He saw you in a pure white, flowing dress that not only sparkled because of the glitter but because his little girl was wearing it. His eyes welled up as he watched you walk towards him.

“Do you want to hold her?” Kristen asked as Dean walked into the room, Sam right behind him. Dean looked to Sam, who nudged him with a smile.

Dean held out his arms, squatting down, making it easier for Kristen to hand the small human to him. “Make sure to support her head. You got her?” she asked before removing her arms. Dean nodded and slowly stood up.

He looked down at the tiny child in his arms. He studied every detail on her face, granted, a lot of those details were blurry due to the tears in his eyes, but he didn’t mind. Dean looked up to Sam for a moment, mouth slightly open before returning his gaze to the girl who became his whole world. He didn’t know how someone couldn’t have a single flaw. “She’s perfect,” he whispered.

“So? What do you think?” you twirled around, your dress flying out around you.

“Y-you, I-uh… You-you’re perfect,” he whispered.

Your smile lit up the room. “Are you ready?” you asked.

“I think I should be the one asking you that,”

“Well, I am,” you stepped closer. Dean sighed and turned to the doors. He bent his arm, and you took hold of it.

You took a deep breath as the doors opened. You two began walking, seeing friends and family all around. As Dean walked, time slowed once again.

“That’s it! You got it!” Dean held his hands out as you took a step, wobbling a little before regaining your balance. “Come on!” you made a few more steps before reaching his hands. “That a girl!” Dean swooped you up and spun you around, planting kisses all over your face.

Dean looked to the ground, not liking all the eyes in his direction.

“Y/N!” Dean ran to the end of the bar, throwing the man off of you. He pounded his face until all that was left was red and blue.

“Dad!” you grabbed his arm, stopping him from continuing. Your dad stood up and looked around.

“What the hell are you all looking at?” Dean grabbed your hand and ran out of the bar.

Dean’s eyes went towards the end of the aisle, eyes connecting with Conner’s.

“After all that you just decide you like him? Dad, you pressed a knife to his throat.”

“What can I say? He’s a good guy,” your dad plopped a piece of cheese into his mouth.

You stared at him, utterly confused. “Did he pay you? Is this Uncle Sam’s doing?”

Dean laughed, “Why are you so upset that I like him?”

“I’m not! I just… What changed?”

“I saw how happy he makes you. I meant it when I said he’s a good guy,”

Dean shifted his gaze to Sam.

“What happened?” Dean asked as Sam carried you down the steps.

“Wasn’t one werewolf,” Sam placed you down on the map table, not risking the trek to your room. Dean took his flannel off and pressed it to the gash on your side. You screamed out in pain, almost causing Dean to let go.

“I know, baby, Sam’s getting the first aid kit, hang in there,”

You and your dad stopped in front of the altar, turning towards each other. You stared at each other; you decided not to say anything, knowing your dad needed a moment. “You grew up too fast,” he managed to get out.

“Had to grow up sometime,” you smiled up at him.

“Yeah…” he paused, “Well, you’ll always be my little girl,” you leaned in and hugged him.

After a moment, you pulled away, and Dean placed a kiss on your forehead.

Dean moved and sat next to Sam, who patted his shoulder. As Dean watched you exchange your vows, everything around him went silent.

“Tell me! Who’s your crush?” Veronica pried.

“No!” you refused.

Your dad stopped in the hallway, interested in the conversation.

“Come on! I told you mine!”

“I don’t have one. All I have to say is that my dad and uncle are the only boys I need in my life. If they’re around, I’ll never need anyone else.”

Dean jerked a bit when Sam hit his thigh. He looked up and saw you kissing your now-husband, and he heard clapping and cheering. Dean stood up and started clapping along with the crowd.

He watched you and Conner walk back down the aisle, a tear sliding down his cheek. You looked to your dad, a bright smile on your face.

His little girl is all grown up.


Tags: @magicalsis11 @joanne-egberp @16wiishes @fanboyswhereare-you @athenepallas @spnkisum @jamric @oneshotsdeanshort @jensen-jarpad @capruinedmylife @bea789 @starswirlblitz @damalseer@iamflanneltrash @zeusmyster @violinmyhead @lauren-novak @evyiione@alexandriajanae4 @graceb200371 @overcastmisfitkid  @lovelaughlivesmilebright @liliafangirls @ellie-andthemachine @death-unbecomes-you @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @waddles03 @fangirling-equestrian

I hope y’all like this one! I’m open for tips on improving! 

Requested by @wegoddessofhell:
“Heeey, can I have a dean x daughter!reader where his daughters getting married and he’s all like reflective of when she was a kid and he’s all sad and doesn’t want to let her go and stuff?”

I’m going to miss Robert Foster. #rip #robertfoster #riprobertforster #alligator1980 #unclesam #jack

I’m going to miss Robert Foster. #rip #robertfoster #riprobertforster #alligator1980 #unclesam #jackiebrown #chucknorrismovies

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