#undercover at lettenhove



Geralt has reoccurring nightmares since the night he found Jaskier on the balcony, but they haven’t talked about it yet. And Jaskier… maybe he does realise by now what this is about.


Jaskier needed a break (he still has nightmares) and when Geralt woke up and couldn’t find Jaskier he thought for a moment… Poor Geralt did get scared senseless for a second and Jaskier hasn’t realised yet what just happened.

For that Anon who wanted something soft in the undercover at lettenhove AU - yessss. But I made it sad, oppsie.
Like, in a strange way, they are still at the everything-is-new-and-there-are-many-‘first times’ happening but. It’s not exactly joyful, or a honeymoon phase, so it’s all a bit bittersweet.
