#underrated fantasy books


What Are Some of Your Underrated Fantasy Books?

When it comes to the immensely popular fantasy genre, we all know the highly iconic works that dominate our bookshelves. These include The Lord of the Rings,The Chronicles of Narnia,A Song of Ice and Fire, and of course, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. But for every popular franchise, there are unfortunately dozens of hidden gems that never truly see the light of day. For that reason, I would love to hear what some of your most underrated fantasy books are. New or old. Long or short. Children’s or (young) adult. It matters not. What I’m truly interested in is the impact which these books have had on you as a reader as well as the reasons for why you loved them as you did.

Leave your responses either by reblogging or commenting below.

I’m looking forward to getting to know some of your under-appreciated fantasy favourites. And who knows … you might even discover your next summer read.

Best regards,

The Tolkien Enthusiast

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