#underwear meme


TGS Characters and their preferred type of underwear

Do not ask why @jamiepridejester,@sydneygoesvroom and I were talking about this ✨


-long ass linen underwear that man gets cold okay don’t judge him he needs to be nice and comfortable to try and keep everything together


-this girl is ready to run after Hyde whenever she needs to and she is looking cute while doing so with some nice ass bloomers, stylish and ready to kick your ass

Hyde and Lanyon:

- now everyone listen up these to fuckalright and they are always ready for action

- no underwear only long ass shirts (in which they wrap their family jewels in, that’s a thing guys like look it up they actually did that)

-if Hyde is not wearing this shirt that man is going solo, let the boys get some fresh air

-also we could not really decide what Jasper would wear only that they are def well worn and whatever he or his family could find

(we were also talking about their pubes if anyone wants to know)
