#undo his pants

There’s something about a man in a crisp, clean shirt.

There’s something about a man in a crisp, clean shirt.

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Yes.Yeah, pull those boxers down, baby… let’s see what he’s got in there for us


Yeah, pull those boxers down, baby… let’s see what he’s got in there for us.  Oh, I can see it in your face that you really like this too… 

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Just the thought of having Polaroids taken of me while I blow a guy… and here’s a young

Just the thought of having Polaroids taken of me while I blow a guy… and here’s a young, black buck on a sleazy couch who looks worth enjoying… makes me wet.  Not a digital camera or something else modern… Polaroids.  They make me think of old, waxy porno magazines and girls with slutty false eyelashes and 70s fashion.  Somehow, that makes me feel dirty.  I like it.

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She arranged to meet him for drinks.  She wore her favourite and most comfortable dress.  She was so

She arranged to meet him for drinks.  She wore her favourite and most comfortable dress.  She was soaked all through dinner, and all she could think about was getting the room upstairs and getting to her knees for it.  And she got what she wanted.

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What a beautiful, suckable dick!  Gimme!

What a beautiful, suckable dick!  Gimme!

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Mmm.  I like slipping the tip of my tongue into the little hole too. (via thegirlnextdoor)

Mmm.  I like slipping the tip of my tongue into the little hole too.


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It isn’t often that I go for pics from major porn sites, like this one, for a few reasons.  Bu

It isn’t often that I go for pics from major porn sites, like this one, for a few reasons.  But when I do, I can’t help but get a little wet over an element I see in them.  It isn’t just the (usually) buff and pretty dudes, or the extreme scenes, but the girls themselves.

I think about them.  I think about their day before they arrived at the shoot.  I like to believe that they’re there because they want to be there, of course, but it’s more than that.  If I were to do this, I know a few things would be running through my mind.

That, first, I’d be getting paid to have sex.  And that it’d most likely be totally anonymous sex, that I wouldn’t even have met the guy until I get there and am told with whom I’m going to “work with."  And then, of course, that my picture would be taken having that sex.  That, within reason I’d expect, how I have that sex and what I do during that sex would be more up to the director than me. That maybe thousands of men, probably around the world, would be masturbating to me having that sex.

I’d be expected to wear a lot of make-up.  Should I use my own clothes, or would they dress me?  I’d very likely have to shave myself bald.  (I keep a trimmed, wide landing strip, but I’m smooth below.) 

And then I’d think that it would very probably be intense, maybe really rough sex.  And that I’d be virtually guaranteed to be doing it with a buff, pretty dude who, almost certainly, would have one really, really big penis.

I can’t decide how those thoughts make me feel.  But I can’t deny that they make me wet.

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