#undocumented immigrant


The New York Times reports today that Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey has hired undocumented immigrants. A housekeeper who made Trump’s bed, cleaned his toilet and dusted his trophies tells the Times that she’s had enough of her famous boss. “We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money.”

Keith Boykin and Steve Cortes discuss on CNN.



I need to share this with all of you. This is a passage from vol. 2 of a popular comic series titled Revival. It came out in 2013. The “Revivers” they’re referring to are dead people who came back to life changed. Essentially, zombies.

This country has more empathy for zombies than kids in cages.

“They can’t…they’re people’s family.”

Thing about that the next time someone calls an undocumented person an “illegal” deserving of inhumane treatment. 
