#unexpected perivale



On Oct. 19th, 2007, user ionlylurkhere posted this thing on the now mostly defunct livejournal “ihasatardis”, which was basically a hub for Doctor Who memes.

I found it around 2014 back when I was still discovering the series and, realising a lot of links and images had died already, decided to archive everything I found funny on this blog. Saving “Ghostlight Explained” on my key was part of this attempt to save a dying part of the internet. Some friends on Discord asked me to re-upload it today.

I am not responsible for anything in there, please don’t shoot the messenger. I put the original credits at the end, and if the original authors are still out there, please make yourselves known, you magnificent people.

This shit is 60 screens long, so I’m putting it under a Read More.

Buckle up.


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