

strong evidence we’re in the worst timeline is that pewdiepie and jontron are both referred to as nazis

since its pride month… time for horrible pride shirts!!!


Fallout 76 was better when it was worse

absolutely nothing stayed consistent this year! love that for me

absolutelynothingstayed consistent this year! love that for me

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Happy birthday to americas favorite compromiser! They should have loved your American system more than they did


animators fuck me up. if you asked me to draw something it would take every ounce of my life to complete this task. if you then asked me to draw it again a little to the left I would die


Prompt: Tyrion/Oberyn Martell soulmate au



Having a crush is the worst and I would like to peel off all my skin and scrape the emotions off my bones.

Secret cheat code after sending emotionally revealing texts: put your devices into do not disturb, with everyone but them on the allowed list.

Me, an adult, 34yo, a realist, rational genuinely chill on the subject: crush has not responded because it was a very intense wall of text, it was emotionally real, most people don’t know how to respond to that sort of thing, and your crush is notorious for slow text replies, unless the topic is joking/trolling

My inner 13yo girl, who has been drawing hearts with glittery gel pens:

frenchublog: Please, don’t put me down for mummification ⚱️frenchublog: Please, don’t put me down for mummification ⚱️frenchublog: Please, don’t put me down for mummification ⚱️


Please, don’t put me down for mummification ⚱️

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the “rosita doesn’t wanna date eugene” subplot in twd s9 is so tedious to watch. like I’ll do it since you are so fucking complicated

“ooo I wanna be negans wife, i wanna fuck daryl” well I wanna play tabletop rpgs with eugene and stim on his wingus


what is your no-skips album? like it’s just banger after banger


i love how the 5 listenable seconds of うずまき started trending then people look up the song and immediately turn it off machine girl gatekeeps itself


self shipping bitches be like “yeah this character is alright” then it cuts to them making out with the character

maryonnaise:i really like to come up with bad light novel concepts. here’s a collection of romance n


i really like to come up with bad light novel concepts. here’s a collection of romance novels

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bowing isn’t enough. hand shaking isn’t enough. peace signs aren’t enough. we need to pass the peace by kissing full on the lips





Ppl who are like “i like ELEVATED horror like psych horror. Not that cheap gore stuff” get over yourself and roll around in someone’s guts maybe
